I was thrilled when the highly intellectual and extremely funny Mocha Dad asked me to write a piece to kick off his new Mocha Dad and Moms monthly column.
I’d be even more thrilled if you popped by to check it out.
I’m so excited for the launch of my Moms’ Musings series. As much as I’d like to think that my opinion is the only one people want to read, I realize that’s not the case, ahem, so just like Wives' Words, I’ve created Moms’ Musings to highlight other moms and share their crazy stories wonderful experiences with you.
Starting off the Moms’ Musings series is the fabulous Stesha Sims from Hot Chocolate Caramel Mocha. If you’ve ever read Stesha’s blog you’d know she’s the perfect mom to lead the way. She’s funny as hell – for real – and has seven kids under 12 including a set of twins. Need I say more?
Here’s Stesha’s Moms’ Musings:
Name: Stesha Sims
Children (names and ages):
Kyndle, 4; Brooklyn, 2; Roman, 5; Jordan, 6
Eden, 1
and Elijah: 1
Occupation: Superhero (Do you see how many children I have?) I also own a website that will launch in a few months, so stay tuned!
What was your biggest fear about becoming a mother? Did it come true?
That my life would literally end. Did it come true? No. Like fine wine, my life only got better.
What’s the best thing about having a child(ren)?
What’s the craziest thing that’s happened to you since becoming a mom?
Oh, my. Let me see. There was the time I didn't do laundry, (for an entire week) and my oldest daughter had to wear a pair of her brother's underwear. No big deal....unless she screams out the car window whilst waiting in the parent pick-up line: "Hey guys! Look! I have on your underwear!"
What do you wish someone would have hipped you to about being mom?
It's okay to make mistakes. They will happen on a daily basis, but you have to keep moving.
What does your child do that makes you say, “now I understand why my mother ____!” (don't forget to fill in the blank)
They all scream Ma! Ma! Ma! all the time. Never Da! Da! Da! Now I understand why my mother practically lived in the laundry room. It wasn't because she liked to do laundry. It was to preserve her sanity!
What words of wisdom would you like to share with other moms?
Butt paste can be used as lip balm. I'm just saying.
Thanks, Stesha!
How ‘bout you? Got any musings you’d like to share? Moms everywhere want to know …
It’s not often that I do reviews or giveaways but since I just LOVE personalized things and the lovely ladies at Initials, Inc. offered me their fabulous new Resort Tote with my initials on it and a $50 gift certificate to give to one of you I couldn’t resist.
I mean come on, look at it …
It’s super cute and can fit a ton of stuff! I used mine Saturday when I was running from my son’s baseball game to my tennis match then on to drop the kids at my mother’s house. It easily stowed extra clothes, jackets, some toys, snacks and I even put my purse in it so I wouldn’t have to carry two bags. Genius, I know.
I was even more excited when they surprised me with this adorable wristlet, too!
Initials, Inc. was founded by sisters Britney Vickery and Ivy Hall shortly after becoming stay-at-home moms. During that time they loved being home with their children but found that they were seeking three things; to be challenged creatively, to have time around other adults and to be able to contribute financially to their home, but they didn’t want to give up time with their young families to get it. They created Initials, Inc. to meet those needs as women and new mothers. Over time, they quickly realized that the solution that they created for themselves could be a blessing to other women, too. Initials, Inc. officially launched in February 2005. Today, it’s supporting women and families all across the country through home parties selling their customer designed personalized treasures.
As I said Britney and Ivy were gracious enough to give me a $50 gift certificate to pass along to one of you toward your own Resort Tote or another item from Initials, Inc. – they’ve got a lot of cute things. And, um, since I’m easy, ahem, this will be really simple. All you have to do is follow this blog (you can do that in my sidebar) and leave me a comment on this post so I know that you’d like to win.
That’s it! Told you I’m easy.
You have until Sunday, April 4, 11:59 p.m. EST, to enter and I will choose the winner via Random.org and announce it next week.
But, since only one of you can win my contest, Ivy and Britney have a few special deals for everyone:
I LOVE being an Auntie. Big surprise, right? Yesterday was my first time babysitting my beautiful 3-month old niece, Haven, and she was a joy. I fed her, changed her, laughed with her, watched Yo Gabba Gabba! with her – shouts out to DJ Lance Rock. Ahem, don’t ask – and discovered I still have the magical touch to put babies to sleep.
I also discovered the five best things about being an Auntie. They are:
The love. Who knew you could love a little baby so much that wasn’t your own? And, she already told me with her eyes, “I love you, Auntie Lolo! You’re the best Auntie ever!”
I can sing. Well, I can’t. Nobody else wants to hear me sing, but my little niece does. She smiled and giggled. My kids politely ask me to stop.
The shopping. That’s right, a cute little girl needs cute little stuff. I’m not a big shopper but I can’t help myself sometimes when I see the adorable little girl clothes. Hmm, this could be on the top five worst things, too. Fortunately such a list does not exist.
They go home. Or you do. That’s right, I said it. Refer to the first item on the list. I love my niece dearly and the fact that I get to give her back to her parents and get a great night sleep makes our bond even stronger. Selfish, I know, but so true.
And finally, the pictures. I get to take great pictures like these …
… and show off my little niece like any good Auntie does.
So yesterday was one of those days for me. Nothing was really wrong but it felt like everything was wrong. Gasp! Yes, Wifey has bad days, too. By the end of the day I was tired, irritable and counting the milliseconds until it was time for bed.
My patience were almost gone and it seemed like the kids were doing their best to chase away the little bit that was left.
I was hanging on by a thread folks, and then at the dinner table out of nowhere my 6-year-old daughter hits me with this:
“Is cow pee milk?”
Good, Lawd! Oh, and yes, she was drinking some at the time.
*insert falling out of chair here*
“What?” That would be me asking her to repeat that again.
“Is cow PEE milk?”
“No, baby, cow pee is cow pee and cow milk is cow milk.”
Oh, when I tell you that made my night, I can’t even begin to explain. I kept my composure and didn’t laugh in her face, but I’ve been giggling for the past 12 hours. Yup, I even giggled in my sleep.
Thank God for the little people in my life … and for cow pee milk.
Since I’ve started running I’ve received such wonderful support and encouragement; and more recently lots of questions. Everything from what shoes am I wearing to how I like my Nike+ sportband to what time of day do I run. A couple of weeks ago someone asked me this via Twitter:
"How do you run? I want to but every time I try I don’t get far and feel sick."
While I’m not a running expert – even with two half marathons under my belt I still consider myself a newbie – I feel like I can answer this one. You run by taking one step at a time – literally. When I started I couldn’t make it to my mailbox (I felt sick, too) so I began walking first, then I mixed in a slow jog. I walked five minutes then jogged for one minute. Walked five minutes jogged for one minute. Slowly, over the next few weeks I decreased my walking minutes and increased my jogging minutes. Before I knew it I could make it past the mailbox down the street and up the hill – and didn’t feel like the Grim Reaper was waiting for me at the top.
If you’re interested in running but don’t think you can do it, I’m here to tell you that you can. I felt the same way … and now I’m a princess. There are lots of great references to help you get started correctly. There are books, websites, running coaches, and groups – even free ones – so that you can learn safely and properly. Make sure that you visit your doctor before you start – believe that you can do it – then simply place one foot in front of the other. The old saying, “walk before you run,” applies here. Take your time and move at your own pace – just make sure you’re moving.
I’m not sure how “wild” it was but it sure was fun. Saturday, a few of my tennis buddies and I participated in the Publix Run Wild 5K around Atlanta’s historic Grant Park. The event was a part of the official ING Georgia Marathon & Half Marathon Weekend.
It was the perfect way to start off the weekend. The sun was shining and warmed us up quickly; the race route was scenic and challenging, but nothing too hard; and I finished smiling just under 36 minutes.
The gals getting ready to go
Me, Shannon and Nneka after crossing the finish line
To top the weekend off Miles hit a homerun in his baseball game later that morning, Husband and I won our tennis match that afternoon, and Sunday I got a coveted number to run in the Peachtree Road Race on the Fourth of July – the largest 10K in the country. I’ve run in the Peachtree several times before, but this one seems special. Maybe it’s because I can almost fix my mouth to say, “I’m a runner.” Almost.
How about you? Was your weekend “wild?” Hopefully you took the time to do something active to take care of you.
Today’s my mother’s birthday. She said she’s not feelin’ it this year. I told her she doesn’t have to acknowledge the year if she doesn’t want to, but she should always celebrate her special day. Um, besides, it beats the alternative.
I can’t remember a birthday that she didn’t make me feel special – or, any other day for that matter. Whether it was a blowout party with a magician and all my cousins, or a private affair with homemade chocolate cake (“everyone should have a birthday cake on their birthday,” she’s always said) every one of my *insert really low number here* years have been celebrated.
My Mom with me on her lap and my sister, Nicole, about 15 years ago (*wink, wink*)
I love my mom. She’s such a wonderful woman. Smart, beautiful, creative, strong, loving and she can spot a sale and a fabulous pair of shoes in a heartbeat. She’s my biggest cheerleader and has been a wonderful mother. She’s not perfect – which makes her even mo’ better – and I wouldn’t trade her for the world. For real.
I’ll listen to her and won’t make a big fuss today. She is my mama and will still give me the no-matter-how-old-you-get-I’m-your-mama look. But, she’s getting a cake … and some presents … and some fuss because I just can’t help it. It’s her birthday – she should have her cake and eat it, too.
Winks & Smiles,
Today's Workout: Upper Body with cardio bursts. How about you? Make sure you do something today to take care of you!
I’ll continue sharing some of my adventures from my Run Wifey Run Tour with the Gals and their readers under the handle – RunningGal. *insert big smiles here*
Come on by, see some new pics from my trip and learn about some of the sporty attractions waiting for you at Disney.
Winks & Smiles,
Today's Workout: Running, Legs, and Abs. How about you? Make sure you do something active today to take care of you!
After a long brief hiatus I’m so pleased to re-launch the Wives' Words series. As much as I’d like to think that my opinion is the only one people want to read, I realize that’s not the case, ahem, so I created Wives' Words to highlight other wives and share their words of wisdom with you.
This week's wife is Total Toni from A Daily Dose of Toni at JustStopScreaming.com. OK, she had me at “Just Stop Screaming.” That title says it all. If you’ve never met Toni you’re in for a real treat. She’s smart, funny and is known to bust a rap. She’s also the queen of vlogging and did one just for us.
Here’s Toni’s Wives’ Words:
Thanks, Toni!
How about you? Got some Wives' Words to share? Wives everywhere want to know …
I didn’t. It’s always been one of those things I just assumed I didn’t like, so when the good folks at POM Wonderful offered to send me some I daringly said yes – and hoped that I would like it. And I did. Not just ‘cause I mixed it with tequila, ahem, but I drank it straight, too. And it was delightfully yummy.
Then I went to their website and saw a new study indicates the antioxidants found in Wonderful variety pomegranates can speed muscle recovery and reduce soreness after exercise and I was sold. It taste good and can help me in my quest to get fit and healthy – and it’s the bomb with tequila – yup, sounds like some super-juice to me.
Speaking of tequila, since it was Friday I decided to make a little drink for me and Husband with my new best friend POM Wonderful. I might as well be healthy while I’m indulging in a little weekend cocktail. Here’s how that went …
Husband liked it, too. I was really proud of my bartending skills because I normally stick to beer and wine, but this might be my new splurge-on-a-cheat-day specialty drink.
1 oz. freshly squeezed pomegranate juice* or POM Wonderful 100% Pomegranate Juice
1 oz. tequila
1 oz. Cointreau (I used Triple Sec)
3/4 oz. fresh lime juice
1/4 oz. simple syrup (equal parts sugar and water dissolved together in cold water)
Salt and lime for garnish (optional)
It was super easy. Just mix everything together with ice in a shaker and you’re good to go.
Thanks to lovely folks at POM Wonderful for introducing me to 100% pomegranate juice. I had no idea that I was missing out. Are you?
Winks & Smiles,
POM Wonderful sent me a case of 100% pomegranate juice but did not pay for this post or my opinion. My thoughts, likes and drink choices are all my own.
When I first started Wifey’s House every Friday, for some strange reason, I felt compelled to tell on myself about something I probably shouldn’t have thought, said or done. Go figure. Well, here I go again.
Yesterday I was quizzing my son on his multiplication tables and caught him trying to sneak a peek at his notebook when he didn’t know an answer.
“We don’t cheat,” I told him sternly. “I’d rather have you get it wrong, than cheat.”
I stood on my soapbox for a few seconds longer.
“Did you hear me?” I asked my 6-year-old daughter.
“Yes, mommy.”
“OK, I just want to be clear. We don’t cheat – ever!”
And then I sat down, held my breath and waited for the lightening to strike. Coincidentally it was raining in Atlanta, but God must’ve had bigger fish to fry because I never saw the bolt.
I confess, I cheated on a math test in the 6th grade. Sorry Mrs. Kolinski. No, I wasn’t a serial cheater, but I did look to the left during that particular test and changed my answer to match the girl’s next to me. I was wrong, I felt bad and I quickly learned my lesson. The girl’s answer was incorrect and my original one was right.
*insert sigh here*
Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. Now I feel better and can tell my children not to cheat with a guilty clear conscience. Did I share with them the blemish on my record? Um, no. Maybe one day I will, when they are old enough not to hold it against me.
Winks & Smiles,
Today’s workout: Legs and cardio. How about you? Make sure you do something to take care of you!
So, now that I have achieved princess status, ahem, I’m looking for some more races to add to my Run Wifey Run tour including the big one – my first marathon.
The ING New York City Marathon is November 7. I hear it's one of the best to run or even to be a spectator. The lottery to get in closes March 15. Should I throw my tiara running hat in the ring and see what happens?
It's a classic.
I’m just sayin’.
Channeling my inner Alicia Keys and Jay-Z, “raise one hand in the air for the big city …”
Winks & Smiles,
Today’s workout: Strength training with cardio bursts. Upper body and abs. How about you? What are you doing today to be the best that you can be?
At the risk of sounding cliché, I have to say it truly was a magical weekend. Not only because of the pixie dust they sprinkled to ensure that this was a weekend I will always remember, but also on a personal note. I set a goal to run a half marathon and after only three months of training I did it – and I can still feel my legs.
I was super excited when I received the invite to attend Disney’s Sporty Blogger Media Mixer because I knew it was the perfect event to kick off my Run Wifey Run tour (a series of road races to support my mission to become the healthiest I can be and hopefully inspire others to do the same). Also, having been to one of Disney’s mixers before I knew I was in for a special treat. And, ooh boy, was I right.
I flew in Saturday morning and checked into Disney’s Polynesian Resort. It’s my second time staying at the property and it’s quickly becoming one of my favorites. The rooms are spacious, I had a great view of Magic Kingdom and the Kona Café rocks – big thumbs up for Beef Teriyaki Salad.
That afternoon I met up with the other mixer princesses and we headed over to the newly renamed ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex to hit up the race expo and visit the facilities. Massive in size, the complex boast 220 acres of courts, fields, courses and sports technology where amateur and professional athletes of all ages from all around the world come to compete.
Sounds like the perfect place for me!
Entering the Expo
They had lots of goodies
I picked up this cute headband. And, yes, it’s so true!
The princesses pause for a picture
After a yummy meal at celebrity chef Cat Cora’s Kouzzina we hit the sack early to be up and ready to go at 3:45 in the morning. Gasp!
I just love seeing this in writing: Princess Lorraine
My pre-race picture
Waiting to catch the bus to the race in all our pre-race, throw-away clothes (No, we don’t actually throw them away, we dressed in layers to stay cozy then took them off and threw them on the side of the course once we warmed up; and the best part – Disney donated them to charity.)
At 6 a.m. fireworks flew and so did the first group of princess as they took off from Epcot to Magic Kingdom and back. Being greeted by Disney’s most popular characters and a wealth of entertainment made the miles zip by and I soaked in every moment of this special race. I stopped to take pictures, send a few tweets and took a bathroom break, too. Would I do that in a regular race? Hmm, probably not, but this was no ordinary race. Where else can you run right through Cinderella’s castle?
Excited to see mile marker 12, the finish line is near!
Three hours and one minute after the fireworks began I ran, ahem, jogged across the finish line. Husband was there with the video camera to capture the moment. It’s a little shaky, he started to wave and cheer me on, but don’t worry, it’s only 17 seconds. (I’m the tall one with the tiara in the hot pink shirt and that’s the fabulous Princess Laura next to me.)
After the race I felt great. Tired, ahem, and a little stiff, but I was enjoying the moment and looking forward to the 50 minute Swedish massage that was waiting for me at The Grand Floridian Resort and Spa. Hmm, how can I describe the massage? It. Was. Off. The. Chain. It was incredible, relaxing and something everyone should do after running for 13.1 miles.
Talk about making me feel like a princess. My gracious hostesses sent me an in-room celebration complete with decorations, balloons, a certificate, a Triumph medal and Mickey himself. The perfect way to end the day.
Before heading to the airport on Monday, the folks at Disney had one more treat for us. We had a fabulous breakfast buffet at the Richard Petty Driving Experience at Walt Disney World Speedway, and then had the opportunity to do a ride-along on the track. It’s hard to put into words how 140 mph feels going around a 1 mile track so I won’t. I’ll save this awesome experience for another post. I will say it was so damn awesome I ordered and paid for the $40 video tape of my ride – gasp – and will post it in a couple of weeks when it comes.
Me, NASCAR ready
In the meantime, if you’d like to read more about the sporty side of Disney, I’m putting together a post highlighting many of their active attractions for The Vacation Gals and will provide a link once it’s up.
So, who’s game to be a princess next year? In fact, the Princess is just one event in Disney’s Endurance Series that also features the Expedition Everest Challenge (June 12, 2010), the Inaugural Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon Weekend (Oct. 1-2, 2010), the Walt Disney World Marathon and Half Marathon (Jan. 6-9, 2011) and Champion 5k at ESPN the Weekend (February 2011).
Wait. Did someone say Wine & Dine?
Winks & Smiles,
Disney paid for my travel accommodations, several meals, attractions and gifts, however they did not pay for this post or my written account of the weekend. My thoughts and opinions are all mine.
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions, products, event tickets, travel and other forms of compensation. The owner of this blog may be compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner of this blog may receive compensation for a post or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question. This blog does not contain any content that might present a conflict of interest.