Who is Wifey and Why is She Telling Me What to Do?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I'm a former music industry executive who left the business with big dreams of starting a writing career and a family. I'm happy to report that's exactly what I did. Now, instead scheduling hectic press days and appearances for recording artists I schedule homework, play dates and sport activities for my own little superstars. I do my best to balance marriage, motherhood and all the mayhem with a writing career that I love dearly. Oh, did I mention I just ran my first marathon? That's right, all 26.2 miles of the Marine Corps Marathon while tweeting and taking pictures for the Washington Post online. I'm on a mission to to be the healthiest that I can be and hope to inspire others to do the same. I recently published my first book; frequently write for several national magazines; I’m the founder of AskWifey.com and RunWifeyRun.blogspot.com; and you may have seen my wedding on TLC's "A Wedding Story or caught me on The Travel Channel's television show "Great Cruises: Why Not the Mediterranean?"
To read about my 2010 shining moments click here.
I’m a wife and a mother. Correction, I’m a happy, loving, sometimes frightened, confused and frustrated, but willing-to-learn, madly-in-love, still-figuring-things-out wife and mother — just like you. I am not a doctor, a counselor or therapist. I have not completed years of scientific research nor do I plan to bore you, or myself, with any. I’ve survived the newlywed years; in fact, husband and I just celebrated number 11. I’ve also lived through nine years of parenting; and am confident I can make it through at least another… nine.
How I Got Here…
First came marriage. My newlywed year was eye-opening for me. So eye-opening I wrote a book about it, Help! I’m a Newlywed… What Do I Do Now? Wife-Saving Advice Every New Bride Must Know to Survive the First Year of Marriage.
Next came the baby carriage. More of the whole eye-opening thing, mixed together with being totally overwhelmed. Two years later I had the nerve to do it again. No book yet, but I definitely feel one coming.
I started this site to share lessons that I’ve learned in this wonderful, but challenging world of marriage and motherhood and to give impartial advice to those who need it. Since then it’s evolved out of its original Q&A format into a more free-flowing outlet about the ups and downs of marriage, motherhood and more recently getting - and staying fit. Got a question about your husband, the kids, your girls, fitness, sex - gasp - or anything else, I’m still happy to answer it. Just drop me a note at questions@askwifey.com.
As I said earlier, I am not a doctor, a counselor or therapist (yes, this is the big disclaimer). The advice on this site is intended to be helpful, but is not meant to take the place of marital counseling, legal advice, financial advice or any other professional service. If you feel you may need professional help you should get some. I, in turn, will provide the best unprofessional help I can.
More about Wifey from Husband
She’s a writer. She’s written a book, Help! I’m a Newlywed… What Do I Do Now? Wife-Saving Advice Every New Bride Must Know to Survive the First Year of Marriage. She’s also written all kinds of articles — entertainment, marriage, parenting, health-related — for national magazines like Upscale, Teen People and Heart & Soul.
She’s a successful public relations executive. As the former director of publicity for LaFace Records she’s contributed to the success of several superstar artists like Usher, OutKast, Toni Braxton and TLC. She also worked in higher education for the premiere women’s college for African-American women — Spelman College.
She’s a mom. Her son, Miles, is nine and daughter, Milan, is seven going on seventeen.
She’s a daughter, a friend, a tennis player, a personal trainer, a chocolate lover, a runner, a movie-watcher, a reader, a NBA fanatic… and, most importantly to me, she’s a wife. My wife of eleven long, loving, sometimes challenging, but awesome years (our life-changing wedding was featured on The Learning Channel’s “A Wedding Story”). I wouldn’t trade her for anything. Anything except 50 yard-line seats to see the San Francisco 49ers win the Super Bowl… or Sade. Not really, but if you know someone who can make it happen…
Ahem, thank you for sharing Husband.
Thanks for stopping by Ask Wifey. If you’re so inclined leave me a comment so I can come by and visit you, too. And remember, the secret to being a happy wife begins with being a healthy wife ... and it all starts with you!
Happy Marriage & Mothering,

I totally adore your kick-arse, no-nonsense blog! Thanks for this wonderful page where you allow your readers to "meet you", it's been a pleasure.
I met you on Saturday and I am so happy that We crossed paths. Your story is truly inspiring!!!! I will be following your blog! Also, when you have an opportunity check out http://corporatechic1.blogspot.com/
Glad I found your blog. I am a new follower. I am definitely hooked!
I love your writing style. I am now a follower. I'm excited to see what your posts will be all about.
I'm already loving your blog. I'm a Army wife and stay at home mom here in Hawaii and I enjoy reading other wives and moms insights on the joys and sometimes crazy times in marriage.
Ok, I LOVE Husband's description of you. Sounds like he and my hubby would become fast friends!
Just stumbled on your site and I'm excited to meander around! I've been blogging about my own marriage in "The Hubby Diaries". Where I share personal experiences with my loving hubby that illustrate the comical, and oftentimes frustrating, differences between men & women.
Pleas swing by to check it out if you have a free moment!
I've got two kids, 21 months apart, 2 years and almost 7 months, and boy and girl named Miles and Micah! I will definitely put you on my blogroll, so I can be sure to come back and check your page often!
Awesome blog! Following now. I AM a therapist, and am here to tell you that even with a background in the field and 6 years working with families, I still fly by the seat of my pants! Heck, that's the basis of my blog.
Love to hear how others make sense of motherhood, so I'll be tuned in.
You were one of my FAVORITE episodes of TLC's Wedding Story.
I'm so happy that the two of you are still going strong.
Go Wifey go!
I love your VLOG! It's Awesome! Congratulations on your win :) Are you coming to Blogher10? I'd love to meet you!
Wifey, I was going through my twitter followers and got connected to your blog...It's so cool. Im also a wife and mother of 1 grown son, two in college, a high schooler and a 6th grader. My life is also hectic. I have been married for 16yrs and still loving it. I noticed your husband is a 49er fan...my husband played for them for 6 years and I'm from SF so I bleed red and gold! Any who I just wanted to invite you to visit my site www.bagadocious.com to take a look at what I do. I make an amazing, original product that women with big purse collections love. Hope all is well in ATL.
For more info email leslie@bagadocious.com
p.s. follow @bagadocious :)
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