Six Going on Sixteen

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Sneak Peek Inside Wifey's House

My youngest child is turning 6 today. She’s 6 going on 16. At least that’s what it feels like. Dora’s pretty much a done deal, now we’ve entered the land of Hannah Montana, High School Musical and The Jonas Brothers. Gasp! While I’m conscious of not letting her rush things – kids seem to grow up too fast these days – she’s officially left toddlerville and has cruised quickly into to kid-land.

Just like with Miles I could go on and on about how wonderful, smart, beautiful, funny, and special she is, but I won’t. Instead, I’ll share some pictures.

Milan's birth day!

Little girl celebrating year number one...

"Disney World is the best place ever!"

Her high school sweetheart is definitely going to see this one!

Me and ballerina girl.

My BIG girl.

Happy Birthday Princess, Mommy loves you!

Winks & Smiles,

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Me Time: Shower Yourself Beautiful Winner

Monday, June 29, 2009

Drum roll please …

The winner of the Suave gift pack including the new Suave Naturals Wild Cherry Blossom Indulgent Body Wash chosen via is Nicole at My Inner Dialogue.

To keep in line with full disclosure Nicole is not only the winner, she’s my sister. When her number came up on I almost disqualified her then thought that wouldn’t be fair, she deserves some “MeTime” and to smell like sweet cherries, too.

So, congratulations Nicole! Thanks for playing (and for saving me postage); thanks to everyone who entered the contest; and thanks to Suave for helping me step up my game.

Winks & Smiles,

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Slowed-down Sex Drive

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wifey’s Weekly Q and A

Dear Wifey:

I was recently laid off from my job and I’m stressed about finding a new one; and about money. My husband is more laid back than me and is not worried at all. The stress is messing with my sex drive, but my husband’s is in full swing. Do I have to do it every time he wants it, even if it’s the last thing on my mind? Don’t get me wrong, I love having sex with my husband, but while I’m focusing on trying to get my life together, I’m just not as into it. How can I slow him down without totally turning him off?

- Mrs. Slowed-down Sex Drive

Dear Mrs. Slowed-down Sex Drive:

You should slow him down very carefully. You might be going through a little slump right now, but you’re correct, you don’t want to turn him off totally. Although we often expect men to initiate sex, we don’t always take into consideration their feelings about rejection. Saying no too often can start to mess with even the strongest man’s sexual confidence and self-esteem –especially if there is no communication or they don’t understand why. Remember, men and women think differently. Your stress slows down your sex drive, but it doesn’t stop your husband’s in the slightest.

With that said, no, you do not have to have sex every time he wants to, but, you should be considerate about when and how you say no. Tell him how you feel so he doesn’t assume your lack of interest is something he’s doing wrong. You should also say yes sometimes, even when you might not feel like it – not only for him, but for you, too. You sound like you enjoy your sex life. Keeping it thriving might be a great way for you to release some of your anxiety. If you’re more relaxed you’ll be able to focus better on your job search. I’m willing to bet if you let yourself enjoy your husband’s advances more often than not, both you and your husband will be less stressed and glad that you did.

Winks & Smiles,

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How about you? Does your sex drive slow down under stress? How do you handle your husband’s advances when you’re not in the mood? Stressed-out wives want to know …

The advice on this site is intended to be helpful, but is not meant to take the place of marital counseling, legal advice, financial advice or any other professional service. If you feel you need professional help, it is encouraged for you to get some.

Me Time: Shower Yourself Beautiful

Monday, June 22, 2009

Last week I posted about stepping up my game. In that I talked about being the best that you can be and taking some “me time,” so when I received an e-mail asking if I’d be interested in receiving Suave’s Shower Yourself Beautiful pack featuring the new Suave Naturals Wild Cherry Blossom Indulgent Body Wash I thought, "they must’ve read my mind and knew that I was searching for an excuse to lock myself in the bathroom.”

So that’s exactly what I did. I put the kids to bed, lit a candle and took advantage of the opportunity to take a little time for me. I have to admit, the folks at Suave caught my interest with the name (anything with “wild,” “indulgent” and “body wash” in it gets a second look – ahem), but they really had me after reading some of Actress Holly Robinson Peete’s tips on making the most of life’s little indulgences that include having an at-home spa day, sending yourself flowers and scheduling some tea time to take a break during the day. Understanding that we ladies are working hard and need to take care of ourselves mirrors my mindset.

There’s just something about feeling clean, soft and smelling lovely that can totally elevate your mood. Not only did Suave Naturals Wild Cherry Blossom Indulgent Body Wash do all that; but it made me slow down and take a little time for me. Love that.

Now, the fun part – I’ve got goodies to giveaway! Suave was kind enough to send me a special gift pack of products, including the new Suave Naturals Wild Cherry Blossom Indulgent Body Wash, so that one of you can Shower Yourself Beautiful, too.

I know you’re all busy so I’ll make this simple. Here’s how to win:

Follow Ask Wifey! Click on the follow button to the right or the RSS feed and subscribe to this blog.

Visit the Shower Yourself Beautiful sweepstakes site to enter to win one of the many fabulous prizes they’re giving away daily.

Leave me a comment letting me know that you would like the opportunity to lock yourself in the bathroom for a little “me time,” too.

Easy, right?

Do all three and you get three entries to win. Follow me on twitter, tweet out a link to the contest and I’ll throw in a fourth entry. Don’t forget to tell me what you did so I can count them all. The contest will stay open until Sunday, June 28 at 11:59 p.m. and I’ll announce the winner (chosen via the following day.

Mmm, I can still smell the subtle sweet scent of cherry. I think some more “me time” is in my near future. How about yours?

Winks & Smiles,

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Daddy's Girl - Round Two

Friday, June 19, 2009

A Sneak Peek Inside Wifey’s House

When I sat down to write this Father’s Day post I read the one from last year and thought, “how am I going to top this one?” Then I realized, I don’t have to. It’s a sweet tribute to my favorite (and only) Dad, it’s one of my favorite posts, and most of you haven’t read it yet. Perfect. Well almost.

While I included a picture of Husband in the post I really didn’t share what a wonderful father he’s become. He’s loving, patient, authoritative, fun, dedicated, (this list could go on and on)… and most importantly an excellent role model for our children. I’m so proud of him, love him dearly, and appreciate all that he does for our family.

Now, without further ado:

Daddy’s Girl

Friday’s confession …

OK, I admit it, at 38 years-old, I’m still a bit of a daddy’s girl. Yes, I actually even call him “daddy” from time to time. And while he thought he got rid of me when he walked me down the aisle, he couldn’t have been more wrong.

Yes, I’m all grown up now and have the husband, kids, dog and even a little white picket fence. And while I must say it’s nice to relate to him on an adult level, to talk, socialize and even share a beer with my dad, they’ll always be apart of me that’s still his little girl. The one he gave horsy rides on his back when he came home from work; and taught to count in Spanish when he tucked me into bed; and coached my softball team when we lived in Colorado, and came to all my basketball games even though I wouldn’t jump for the rebounds; and taught how to drive in the parking lot of the local college so I could get my license at 16… the list could go on and on.

While I cherish all of my childhood memories, some of my favorite times are happening right now when I see my dad with my children. Sometimes when he and Milan are together, I see me, twenty, ahem, thirty years ago. Wow.

My dad “GP” and Milan

Me and my daddy

My “baby daddy.” I couldn’t resist.

My father-in-law with Miles. We miss you Pop Pop.

What about you? Are there any other daddy’s girls in the house? Ladies, do tell; and dads, have a very happy Father’s Day!

Winks & Smiles,

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Stepping Up Your Game

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

You Didn’t Ask but I’m Just Sayin’…

Are you being the best you that you can be? Are you happy with the way you feel, the way you look and with the choices that you make?

Or, is it time for you to step up your game?

Every once in awhile we all need to take a look in the mirror and ask ourselves if we’re living life the way we want to live or if we’re hiding behind the challenges and excuses that stand in our way. Life is short; or really long pending on how you’re living it.

As wives, mothers, daughters, and girlfriends our families and our work (in and outside of the home) pull us in many directions. There’s no doubt that we’re overworked, underpaid and often just plain tired. But … (oh, come on, you knew it was coming) I’m a big believer in the old saying “when there’s a will, there’s a way.” If you’re daily routine is not working for you, it’s up to you to change it. If you want to lose 10 pounds it’s up to you to drop the Twinkies and get moving. If you need some “me time” it’s up to you to schedule it.

Yes, there are circumstances that are out of our control, but I’m not talking about those. I’m talking about the things that we can change. The things we tend to hide behind. Whenever I used to see a woman jogging down the street I would always say, “I wish I could run.” Running always seemed so sexy to me. I wanted to do it, but never did. Quite honestly, I didn’t think I could. One day I was watching TV and saw a documentary on a runner who lost most of his legs in a car accident but ran marathons using prosthetics. It was a huge awakening. Why was I wishing for something I was more than capable of doing? I have full use of my legs. That man didn’t but still made it happen. After that I started running in my neighborhood. My first run was to the end of my street. My longest run has been a half marathon. Now I run the Peachtree Road Race every year. I decided to step up my game and the rewards (physically and mentally) were boundless.

I wrote this post because it’s time for me to look in the mirror again and to figure out where and how I can step up my game. How about you? Are you living life the way you want to … or is it time for you to step up your game? Inspired women want to know …

Winks & Smiles,

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She's Movin' on Up

Friday, June 12, 2009

A Sneak Peek Inside Wifey's House

My little princess is movin’ on up. Not to a "dee-luxe apartment in the sky," but to the first grade.

Milan graduated from Kindergarten yesterday. Here she is in her fancy duds…

All ended well in the Costly Cap and Gown saga. I’m so glad she loves her “fancy new outfit” ‘cause as much as I paid for it she’ll be wearing it all summer long.

Just kidding. Sort of.

Winks & Smiles,

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Too Few Cooks in the Kitchen

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wifey’s Weekly Q and A – Reversed

Instead of my regular weekly Q and A where someone asks a question and I answer it; this week I’m flipping things around and I’m doing the asking. Isn’t that the beauty of blogging? It’s flexible, spontaneous and interactive.

With that said, here’s my question:

What do you do when there are too few cooks in the kitchen? When neither you nor your husband want to take on the culinary duties in your household. Do you suck it up and do it anyway because cooking is traditionally the woman’s responsibility – gasp; or do you take off your apron and lay down your spatula in protest; or is there a happy medium that needs to be negotiated to keep peace and harmony in your home?

You can only live on takeout for so long, right?

OK, that’s more like three questions, but who’s counting? Can’t wait to hear your answers. Undomesticated divas want to know …

Wink s & Smiles,

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Girlfriends Getaways

Monday, June 8, 2009

As if documenting my girlfriends trip to the Mediterranean on video via The Travel Channel wasn’t enough, I felt the need to write about it, too. Yes, I still write for traditional magazines – gasp! Don’t hold it against me, in fact next time you’re in the store pick one up.

“Sail the Mediterranean” is number three on the “Top 15 Getaways” in the June/July issue of Heart & Soul magazine. I also wrote the sidebar “Traveling in Pairs” that offers tips for traveling with your girlfriends and staying sane.

How about you ... what are your travel plans this summer? And, what’s on your Top Getaways list?

Winks & Smiles,

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Costly Cap and Gown

Friday, June 5, 2009

A Sneak Peek Inside Wifey’s House

Friday’s Confession

When I first started Wifey’s House every Friday for some strange reason I felt compelled to tell on myself about something I probably shouldn’t have thought, said or done. Go figure.

Well, here I go again. I just picked the kids up from school and saw that many of my daughter’s classmates had their cap and gown packages for Kindergarten graduation next week, but my child didn’t.

I’m sure you can guess who forgot to send in her check.

Right. My mother of the year award just got rescinded.

Not to worry, I called the cap and gown company and paid the extra $20 fee to have it overnighted in time for her ceremony next week.

I couldn’t let this smiling face be left without her fancy duds.

How about you? Have you ever forgotten to pay for something for your kids? Mishap mamas need to know …

Winks & Smiles,

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Husband's Messy Room

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wifey’s Weekly Q and A

Dear Wifey:

My husband has his “own room” in our house which was an extra bedroom that he’s converted into his den/office/computer room. I normally don’t go in there much but needed to use his computer and was horrified at the mess. It was a pigsty! How do I get him to clean it up?

- Mrs. Husband’s Messy Room

Dear Mrs. Husband’s Messy Room:

You don’t. It’s his room, right? One of the perks of having your “own room” is keeping it the way you want – even if it’s a pigsty. I assume it has a door. If it doesn’t that might be a good investment. Otherwise, don’t bother him about the way he keeps his room. As long as there are no living things growing in there and he doesn’t leave food around, let him be. You don’t go in there much, remember? He’ll eventually clean it up when he can’t find something that he’s looking for or if he’s having the guys over and needs some space for them. Besides, you probably have the run of the rest of the house anyway. Be happy the mess is contained to a room you can avoid and let it go.

Winks & Smiles,

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Does your husband have his own room? Is it a pigsty? How do you get him to clean it up? Wondering wives want to know …

The advice on this site is intended to be helpful, but is not meant to take the place of marital counseling, legal advice, financial advice or any other professional service. If you feel you need professional help, it is encouraged for you to get some.

Becoming Me: The Bedroom and The Bible

Monday, June 1, 2009

When one of my favorite bloggers, Angela over at Becoming Me, asked me to write a guest post for her I immediately said yes. When she told me it should be about sex my jaw immediately dropped. It’s not that I’m shy or have a problem discussing the topic (Wifey’s House readers remember Hump Day?), but I was a little surprised given the nature of her blog.

My post, "The Bedroom and The Bible," is up today at Becoming Me. Come check out my thoughts on marriage and sex; and make sure to leave a comment about your own!

Winks & Smiles,

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This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions, products, event tickets, travel and other forms of compensation. The owner of this blog may be compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner of this blog may receive compensation for a post or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question. This blog does not contain any content that might present a conflict of interest.

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