Thirty-nine and Feelin’ Fine
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
It’s my birthday. I’m thirty-nine today and quite honestly I’m feeling pretty good. I’m a the-cup-is-half-full-kinda-gal and definitely believe in celebrating each year that you are blessed to have. I couldn’t figure out something interesting to write about for my birthday so I took the easy way out – gasp! Here are 39 random facts about Wifey. Please don’t hold them against me.
1. I watch Armageddon, Father of the Bride, and Twister every time I stumble across them on TV.
2. I’m a 24 junkie. Chloe is the funniest character on TV.
3. I’m addicted to chocolate. Dark chocolate is my current weakness.
4. I’ve lost 11 pounds since I started running.
5. Ten years ago I couldn’t run across the room.
6. I’ve run two half marathons and I’m training for my first marathon in October.
7. Alicia Keys, The Black Eye Peas and Kanye West are in current rotation in my IPod helping me log more miles.
8. I’m in better shape at 39 than I was at 29.
9. I used to smoke Newport cigarettes. Yuck!
10. I had my tonsils taken out in my twenties. Not fun.
11. I was the captain of my high school basketball team.
12. I rarely jumped for rebounds.
13. I broke my nose playing basketball. Not cute.
14. I could live off of chips and salsa.
15. Sweetwater 420 is my favorite beer.
16. I’d play tennis everyday if I could.
17. My USTA women’s tennis team is headed to the State tournament next weekend.
18. I’ve been featured on two television shows (“A Wedding Story” on TLC and “Great Cruises: Why Not the Mediterranean” on the Travel Channel).
19. I was a music industry publicist before kids and worked the red carpet at every major music award show. I like watching them on TV better.
20. Stevie Wonder is my favorite artist.
21. I got a kiss on the cheek from him (Stevie) at The Grammy’s one year thanks to Usher and his mama.
22. I want to get married again (to Husband, of course) on the beach.
23. I still look at my kids in amazement and wonder how they got here. (Don’t worry, I really know.)
24. Barcelona and Capri are two of my favorite places I’ve been.
25. I lived in Colorado for three years when I was a kid.
26. Hampton University was the only school I applied to. Not smart.
27. I graduated with honors. Smart.
28. I LOVE the beach but I’m scared of the fish.
29. Minnie Mouse is my favorite Disney character.
30. Dwayne Wade is my favorite basketball player.
31. I love basketball and football season.
32. I make a mean macaroni & cheese.
33. Watching my kids do something they enjoy makes me smile.
34. I love my niece to pieces. Being an Auntie rocks.
35. I’m a crier. Gasp!
36. I would take a nap everyday if time was on my side.
37. My family and friends mean EVERYTHING to me.
38. I’m rhythmically challenged but like to dance.
39. I’m looking forward to seeing my face on the Smuckers jar on "The Today Show" for their 100-year-old birthday shout outs.
Winks & Smiles,

Happy Birthday!!!! I say you look 25 and its only a number!!! I am 33 and sometimes it feels more like 63 so you for sure have youth on your side...I love that you are a Crier..{GASP} LOL....we all are!!! ;)
Happy Birthday CheeKa!!! I can attest to #38 for sure! Love you and your list! xoxoxox
I can think of so many more wondeful things about you - too many to name! :)
So thankful you are my sister and my best friend! Love ya, mean it!
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday to a fellow Hamptonian!
Happy birthday! Barcelona is on my must-visit list:)
Happy Birthday! Rhythmically challenged, but like to dance. That sounds entertaining!
Happy birthday, Wifey! I am almost exactly a year older than you. I battled that beast a couple weeks ago. (I can't believe I just admitted that!)
Have a good one. You look great!
happy birthday!!!!!
Happy Birthday!! I hope that you have a great day!
Happy Belated Birthday, I loved reading your random facts. I liked the part about not being able to run across the room and now you run a lot. I've never been a runner, but would love to learn to do it. Hope you had a great day!
Happy Belated Birthday! I know you had a good time. 24 is my favorite show too!
This list made me smile! So glad to have met you - I feel like we are meant to be friends (how SAPPY am I??) Happy Happy Birthday!!
that was very cute! getting married (again) to hubby is super sweet!
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