I'm Headed to San Somewhere

Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday’s Confession …

I’m bummed out that I wasn’t picked to run the New York City Marathon. Well, sort of. OK, not really. I was rejected by a random lottery so I’m not taking it personally that the computer didn’t like the number that they assigned me. Maybe next year.

In the meantime, I’ve got the fun task of picking another marathon to set my sights on. I also joined a training group last weekend and I’m super excited about running with and learning from this awesome group of people.

Me at Get-Fit Atlanta’s kick-off run

I need to pick which marathon I’m going to run so I have a goal and can get excited about the race. I’d love to run in the Cayman Islands Marathon, but the travel might be a tad too expensive for me (Husband’s coming, too), so I’ve narrowed it down to the Nike Women’s Marathon in San Francisco or the Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio Marathon. They’re both in the fall and they both look like lots of fun. The Nike is a lottery again and I would imagine has lots of hills – it is in San Fran – but the girl power rocks. The Rock ‘n’ Roll has a flat course – no, I’m not a wimp but it is 26.2 miles – and I’ve never been to Texas. I hear it’s beautiful.

So folks, is it San Francisco or San Antonio?

Winks & Smiles,
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Anonymous,  April 9, 2010 at 2:50 PM  

It still hot in the fall in San Francisco. I mean like over the 100's hot. But San Franciso is close to water so that might be a cooling factor. While there you can hit Napa and say Hi to some friends of mine so I vote for San Francisco. Who cares about the hills, you can handle it.

The Broke Socialite April 9, 2010 at 3:14 PM  

I agree with Mrs Cooper. San Francisco. Nothing against San Antonio but there's soooo much to do in the Bay Area and it can be romantic (since the Mister is going and all). Can't wait to hear which one you choose. I'm so proud of you.

Stesha April 11, 2010 at 1:31 PM  

San Francisco, has my vote. I hear it's lovely there. I've been trying to convince the hubby to take a trip there. So far, it's not working.

Hugs and Mocha,

Anonymous,  April 12, 2010 at 9:22 AM  

Lived in the Bay Area for a while... The fall is random. It can be 110 in Concord, 90 in Oakland, and 70 in SF proper. Or 100 in SF... Or solid fog and 60 in SF... But the hills are vicious. The bikers of the Tour de California race refused to return to SF, but the marathon's course seems to avoid the part that broke them (Coit tower). The elevation chart on the map looks pretty accurate.

For a vote, I'd say San Antonio. I know nothing about it. I'd love to hear more. ;)

k April 12, 2010 at 11:01 AM  

I would vote for San Antonio - it's beautiful there and a flat course would be best for a 1st Full Marathon, if you ask me anyway!!

RobinLK April 12, 2010 at 11:29 AM  

Bummer about NYC... but I believe everything happens for a reason, sooo... Having lived in SF, I know both the hills (rough!) and the weather (fickle!), but NWM has great bling from what I understand, and honestly, everything about SF is just a-m-a-z-i-n-g. I'm sure San Antonio would be great, but my vote goes to SF if you're up for the HILLS!

Thanks for comments on the Turtles blog - finally got my backside over here and visited YOU in return, and glad I did. Looking forward to catching up on past posts and reading new ones as they come out. And friend, you look soooo familiar to me... I'm thinking I may have seen you at DPH (wish we would've met that day!).

Lastly, I also just logged in to twitter and am now following you. Yay! :-) (@RobinLeRoyKyle)

Love the Atlanta area... maybe we'll get to run together one of these days... not too far away!

HUGS from Orlando!
robin/the turtle runner

Krystal Grant April 12, 2010 at 1:30 PM  

I say San Francisco...not sure why. I guess San Francisco sounds a little more exciting that San Antonio.

Anne April 13, 2010 at 8:36 AM  

They both sound like great options...I'm too new at running to give an opinion :)
Your blog looks like a lot of fun...I'll be checking back in :)

La'Tonya Richardson April 13, 2010 at 9:57 AM  

I'm partial to Texas, it's next door. And I've always wanted to go to San Antonio. Good luck with that decision.

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