Bag Lady

Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday's Confession ...

I’m a sucker for my birthday … and a cute bag.

I’ve always been a big birthday celebrator. Even in my old age, ahem, Husband knows that I enjoy a little fuss and he’s such a good sport – he always delivers.

I came home on my birthday after taking Milan to gymnastics and found this on the front door.

Then there was this …

He knows me so well

And several packages filled with goodies leading up to this …

Right. I was suspect, too. It’s a garbage bag. Yikes!  But then I ripped gently opened it up and found this.


Which housed these...


Thanks, Husband.

He’s such a slickster … and a sweetie-pie.

Winks & Smiles,
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Thirty-nine and Feelin’ Fine

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It’s my birthday. I’m thirty-nine today and quite honestly I’m feeling pretty good. I’m a the-cup-is-half-full-kinda-gal and definitely believe in celebrating each year that you are blessed to have. I couldn’t figure out something interesting to write about for my birthday so I took the easy way out – gasp! Here are 39 random facts about Wifey. Please don’t hold them against me.

1. I watch Armageddon, Father of the Bride, and Twister every time I stumble across them on TV.

2. I’m a 24 junkie. Chloe is the funniest character on TV.

3. I’m addicted to chocolate. Dark chocolate is my current weakness.

4. I’ve lost 11 pounds since I started running.

5. Ten years ago I couldn’t run across the room.

6. I’ve run two half marathons and I’m training for my first marathon in October.

7. Alicia Keys, The Black Eye Peas and Kanye West are in current rotation in my IPod helping me log more miles.

8. I’m in better shape at 39 than I was at 29.

9. I used to smoke Newport cigarettes. Yuck!

10. I had my tonsils taken out in my twenties. Not fun.

11. I was the captain of my high school basketball team.

12. I rarely jumped for rebounds.

13. I broke my nose playing basketball. Not cute.

14. I could live off of chips and salsa.

15. Sweetwater 420 is my favorite beer.

16. I’d play tennis everyday if I could.

17. My USTA women’s tennis team is headed to the State tournament next weekend.

18. I’ve been featured on two television shows (“A Wedding Story” on TLC and “Great Cruises: Why Not the Mediterranean” on the Travel Channel).

19. I was a music industry publicist before kids and worked the red carpet at every major music award show. I like watching them on TV better.

20. Stevie Wonder is my favorite artist.

21. I got a kiss on the cheek from him (Stevie) at The Grammy’s one year thanks to Usher and his mama.

22. I want to get married again (to Husband, of course) on the beach.

23. I still look at my kids in amazement and wonder how they got here. (Don’t worry, I really know.)

24. Barcelona and Capri are two of my favorite places I’ve been.

25. I lived in Colorado for three years when I was a kid.

26. Hampton University was the only school I applied to. Not smart.

27. I graduated with honors. Smart.

28. I LOVE the beach but I’m scared of the fish.

29. Minnie Mouse is my favorite Disney character.

30. Dwayne Wade is my favorite basketball player.

31. I love basketball and football season.

32. I make a mean macaroni & cheese.

33. Watching my kids do something they enjoy makes me smile.

34. I love my niece to pieces. Being an Auntie rocks.

35. I’m a crier. Gasp!

36. I would take a nap everyday if time was on my side.

37. My family and friends mean EVERYTHING to me.

38. I’m rhythmically challenged but like to dance.

39. I’m looking forward to seeing my face on the Smuckers jar on "The Today Show" for their 100-year-old birthday shout outs.

Winks & Smiles,

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Did Someone Say Free Trip To Atlanta? Get Moving with Race & Relax

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Run Wifey Run

My BlogRollin’ partner, Christie, and I are feeling so much love surrounding our upcoming event Get Moving! Race & Relax that we decided to give a little back. We are holding a contest over at The BlogRollers where one lucky lady will win registration, airfare and a two-night hotel stay to join us for the fun. What do you have to do to enter? Simply leave a comment on The BlogRoller's post here. That’s it.

It’s with the support of the wonderful blogging community and our fabulous sponsors – the Cherry Marketing Institute, Walt Disney World Resort and Pampered by Adrienne – that help make all of this possible.

Um, wait. Why are you still here? I’d love the opportunity to see you in Atlanta. Head over to The BlogRollers now. Good Luck!

Winks & Smiles,
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I Can’t Do It All By Myself

Monday, April 26, 2010

Wifey's Q and A

Dear Wifey:

Love your blog! I was hoping you and/or your faithful readers could help me.

My husband and I have been married 9 months, together 6 years and living together 4 years. The problem: he doesn't help around the house nearly as much as I'd like him to. From time to time, my husband comes home and tells me about the wonderful women his coworkers are married to and the ends they go to in order to please their husbands at home. It makes me feel like this is his way of telling me I'm not being a good wife and/or that I'm not doing enough for him. Why would he think this? Well because 1.) I don't do his laundry; and 2.) I only cook about 5 days a week.

My point of view: I don't live by myself and I'm not a maid. I feel like he should lend a hand sometimes. I understand he works long hours and travels for work. I'm not asking him to come home everyday and start busting suds. I'd just like him to help me out a little sometimes and pick up after himself. I do 99% of the cooking and cleaning. He leaves pots and pans all over the stove and lets the sink pile up with dirty dishes. He leaves cups and snack packages in our bedroom. He lets his shoes pile up in the living room. He leaves his opened mail scattered all over the couch. He lets his dirty clothes pile up sometimes for weeks at a time. (By the way, he was sort of a clean freak when I met him.) I work full-time just like him and even though we don't have kids yet, I'm tired of doing everything around this huge house by myself.

His point of view: He's on the road for work nearly every day working about 60 hours a week. His only day off is Sunday. He spends his days driving between three different states to manage multiple locations. Sometimes he drives 5-6 hours a day just to get to and from work. He's tired. The last thing he wants to think about is household chores. Those are the wife's responsibilities. He pays the mortgage and is the breadwinner. He shouldn't have to worry about much else.

I have expressed my feelings to him in the past. Usually he'll help me out for about a week, then his old ways set in again. Am I missing something? Am I being unreasonable? I don't know how to get through to him without it turning into the same old argument.

I'd love to get some feedback from you. Thanks in advance.


Mrs. I Can't Do It All By Myself

Dear Mrs. I Can’t Do It All By Myself:

First, let me say that you are not alone. This is such a common dilemma that couples face. Are you being unreasonable, I don’t think so. Are you missing something, perhaps the conversation about what you and your husband expected before you got married, but don’t feel bad, most of us missed this convo, too! Often couples tackle the big issues before they get married – kids and money – but who’s going to cook dinner or take out the trash is normally just assumed. It’s those assumptions and expectations that often find us on different pages.

The fact that your husband was a clean freak when you met him and has since changed his ways, coupled with the fact that he’s told you he believes household chores are the wife’s responsibility lets you know exactly where he stands. It sounds like you have communicated your stance, too. Quite honestly, you both have valid points, but unfortunately, have different expectations. Neither one is right or wrong. You might not understand or agree with each other but both of you are entitled to your point of view and you both should respect that. Here’s the fun part, you both need to find a common ground that will work for your marriage. Because your views are so opposing, one person giving in will probably lead to resentment. Decide what you are willing to compromise on then present it to your husband and ask him to do the same. Approach him positively, letting him know that his point of view is important to you and that you’d like to figure out how you both can feel comfortable with the outcome. Be patient, it might take a little while to work this out but it will definitely be worth the effort.

Winks & Smiles,

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Alright ladies, she’s asking for your help. Would love to hear your thoughts!

The advice on this site is intended to be helpful, but is not meant to take the place of marital counseling, legal advice, financial advice or any other professional service. If you feel you need professional help, it is encouraged for you to get some.

World Fitness Day: Celebrities, Fun and Fab Legwarmers

Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday’s Confession …

I used to rock legwarmers, a headband and dream of doing this …

Yes, I’m showing my age *ahem* but I’m OK with getting old as dirt mature and wiser.

It’s no secret that I’m into fitness so when I received the invite to attend World Fitness Day, the brainchild of Jane Fonda, I was thrilled to pieces. On May 1st several celebrity trainers and entertainers will gather in the Georgia Dome in Atlanta to lead fitness enthusiasts of all levels and ages in a special group workout. Wait, I’ll let Jane, Billy Blanks, Denise Austin and Richard Simmons – gasp! – yes, Richard Simmons, tell you more about it.

If you’re in the Atlanta area I hope to see you there. If not, you can still participate via USTREAM here.

OK, got to go. I’ve only got one week left to find those legwarmers and perfect my pose.

Winks & Smiles,
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Disclaimer: I was not paid for this post. I was invited to attend the event and will receive free entry via a media pass. Yes, I really wore legwarmers.

Get Pampered Like a Princess

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Since I’ve clearly strived to become a princess over the past year, ahem, it’s no surprise that I was more than thrilled when the good folks at Walt Disney World Resort signed on as The Rest & Relax sponsor for Get Moving! Race & Relax. Participants will be pampered like princesses as they enjoy a post-race celebratory brunch and receive a spa gift certificate courtesy of Walt Disney World Resort.

Get Moving! Race & Relax is bringing together 15 women who will get moving by walking or running in the Virginia Highlands Summerfest 5K Road Race on Saturday, June 5, 2010.

In addition to the brunch and spa gift certificate, the ladies will receive a training/work out schedule, the race registration and official t-shirt, Train to manage your pain with the Red Recovery Routine and a tart bottle of cherry juice courtesy of the Cherry Marketing Institute, A Get Moving! Race & Relax, "Powered By Red" race-day T-shirt sponsored by the Cherry Marketing Institute, a swag bag full of other goodies including spa products from Pampered By Adrienne, and the support of other fabulous women just like them.

I’m also thrilled that after just two weeks of registration Get Moving! Race & Relax is almost sold out! The Race & Relax beauties are already preparing for the race and supporting each other via blogging, Facebook, e-mail and Twitter. You can follow our tweets, we’re using the hashtag #RaceRelax. Or, better yet, join us! There are still a couple of coveted spots left. For more information, visit

Winks & Smiles,

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Sweetwater 420 Fest 5K: Will Run For Beer

Monday, April 19, 2010

Run Wifey Run

When I told Husband he should run a race with me he quickly told me his stock answer, “I don’t run.” When I told him he should run the Sweetwater 420 Fest 5K with me and they’d have ice cold beer waiting at the finish line for some reason he quickly changed his tune to “sure, sounds like fun.”

Hmm. I’m not questioning his motives but apparently I’m not the only one in the family who will run for beer.

Seriously, it was fun to have Husband join me for a run. We dropped the kids at my mom’s and hopped on MARTA so we wouldn’t have to deal with parking at the race. It didn’t start until 11 a.m. but the weather was comfortable – sunny and in the 70’s – just the way I like it. We ran through the Candler Park area – there were beautiful homes and the park was nice, but, um, can I just say I’m glad I didn’t know about the hills before I started running. They were killer, but definitely added to my sense of accomplishment – and justification for that beer!

Husband and I at my mom’s

Waiting for the train

Getting his playlist just right

The classic pre-race pic

Crossing the finish line

The classic post-race pic

My celebratory beer and brisket

Husband finished in 33:19 and I came in shortly after at 38:14. We joked that I was like Goldie Hawn in the movie Wildcats and he was one of the football players when she challenged them to run around the track. He’s got the speed but the distance is all mine. He was so sweet to come back and run up the last hill with me – definitely good times. While he says he might do some more 5K’s anything longer is still out of the question – beer or no beer. That’s fine by me since he’s always right there cheering me on at the finish line.

Winks & Smiles,
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The Need For Speed

Thursday, April 15, 2010

One of the many highlights from my Disney Princess Half Marathon Weekend was the opportunity to ride shotgun in a NASCAR-style stock car going 140 mph at The Richard Petty Driving Experience at Walt Disney World Speedway. To say it was an awesome experience would be an understatement. It was thrilling, exhilarating and I actually felt very safe. I loved it so much I dipped into my pocket and bought the video of my ride so I could relive it over again, and … so I could take you along with me.

Something tells me I might regret this (I’m still counting how many times I said "wow," “awesome,” and “ooooohhhh”), but here’s the split-screen video of my Richard Petty Driving Experience:

Fun, right?

The princesses trade in their tiara's for shades and jumpsuits

Maybe next time I’ll take the wheel.

Winks & Smiles,

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Disney paid for my travel accommodations, several meals, attractions and gifts during this trip, however they did not pay for this post or the video. My thoughts and opinions are all mine.

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Run Wifey Run

So, I’ve been talking about running a marathon for a couple of months now. I slowed things down a bit and became a princess in the process. Friday I narrowed it down to two marathons and asked for a little input on which one to do. Last night I put my money where my mouth is and registered for my first marathon.

I went left. Well, actually I went east and didn’t choose San Fran or San Antonio but opted for The Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, D.C. on Halloween. What’s crazy is I didn’t even know about the MCM until yesterday. I saw a mention of it on my new training group’s message board; then two hours later I got an e-mail from listing it as one of the top 10 largest marathons in the U.S.; and then last night Husband told me that his father ran the MCM two times and it would be really cool if I did it. Sounds like fate to me. So, I re-checked the message boards and found out that more than 27 people from my running group are registered to run including seven people from my pace group.

I stared at the enter button for about five minutes after filling out the registration online. It’s one thing to say you’re going to run a marathon, but it’s another thing to bring it to reality.

After receiving my confirmation, I couldn’t stop smiling. I was flipping back and forth between feeling elated and inspired; and wondering, “what the *bleep* did I just do!”

I’m excited to take on this challenge and to get healthier along the way. I appreciate everyone for you input and encouragement. Um, I’m going to need it now more than ever.

Winks & Smiles,
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I'm Headed to San Somewhere

Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday’s Confession …

I’m bummed out that I wasn’t picked to run the New York City Marathon. Well, sort of. OK, not really. I was rejected by a random lottery so I’m not taking it personally that the computer didn’t like the number that they assigned me. Maybe next year.

In the meantime, I’ve got the fun task of picking another marathon to set my sights on. I also joined a training group last weekend and I’m super excited about running with and learning from this awesome group of people.

Me at Get-Fit Atlanta’s kick-off run

I need to pick which marathon I’m going to run so I have a goal and can get excited about the race. I’d love to run in the Cayman Islands Marathon, but the travel might be a tad too expensive for me (Husband’s coming, too), so I’ve narrowed it down to the Nike Women’s Marathon in San Francisco or the Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio Marathon. They’re both in the fall and they both look like lots of fun. The Nike is a lottery again and I would imagine has lots of hills – it is in San Fran – but the girl power rocks. The Rock ‘n’ Roll has a flat course – no, I’m not a wimp but it is 26.2 miles – and I’ve never been to Texas. I hear it’s beautiful.

So folks, is it San Francisco or San Antonio?

Winks & Smiles,
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And The Winner Is ... Initials Inc. Giveaway

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

And the winner of Wifey's Got a Brand New Bag ... And So Can You, Initials, Inc. $50 gift certificate is:

Krystal Grant

Congratulations, Krystal! I need to drink some of your Kool-Aid 'cause you are one of the luckiest, winning gals I know. Thanks for entering and for all of your support! And, a special thank you to the lovely ladies at Initials, Inc. for my fabulous bags and for the $50 gift certificate to giveaway.

Winks & Smiles,
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It’s Time to “Get Moving! Race & Relax”

Monday, April 5, 2010


I’m so excited to announce the launch of my new RunWifeyRun event with my BlogRollin’ partner, Christie. In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve kind of gotten into running a little bit. We’ll, it’s done wonders for my health, my weight, and even my sanity, ahem, (we all need a little release) so I decided I want to share the good feelings and benefits with you.

Introducing the inaugural Get Moving! Race & Relax event in Atlanta. Fifteen women will join forces and get moving by walking or running in the Virginia Highlands Summerfest 5K (3 miles) Road Race on Saturday, June 5, 2010. Afterwards, the ladies will indulge in a post-race celebratory brunch and enjoy other special treats. Created to inspire women to take care of themselves, Get Moving! focuses on the importance of physical exercise and making time for you. It’s the first event in our RunWifeyRun initiative – a WifeSavers series designed to help wives be the best that they can be.

Starting today participants will support each other via social media by tweeting, facebooking or blogging about their journey leading up to, during and after the event. They will receive the official Virginia Highlands Summerfest 5K race registration and race swag bag; a post-race celebratory brunch, a spa gift certificate; suggested training program/schedule and resource list; train to manage your pain with the Red Recovery Routine and a tart bottle of cherry juice courtesy of the Cherry Marketing Institute; a Get Moving! Race & Relax, Powered By Red race-day T-shirt sponsored by the Cherry Marketing Institute; a Get Moving! swag bag filled with indulgent goodies; special surprises; and most importantly they will get moving and hopefully continue to take care of themselves and their bodies.

I’m thrilled that several of my bloggy buddies have already signed on as VIP Movers and will be joining me for this journey – the fabulous Broke Socialite, Krystal at, and The Divine Miss Mommy. We’re also excited that the lovely Joan of All Trades (who is about to give birth any moment) and my sister, new mommy NikkiD13, are also signed on and ready to Get Moving! Fitness is much more fun when you’re surrounded by friends!

I’d like to extend a special thank you to the Cherry Marketing Institute for sponsoring part of this important event. Cherries have such a high level of disease-fighting antioxidants and are an excellent choice for pain relief and exercise recovery. They are sure to help us as we start exercising and Get Moving! I encourage you to learn more about cherries here and follow them on Twitter at @choosecherries.

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to Get Moving! You can join us now by registering here. Hint, hint – there’s a discount if you are a WifeSavers VIP. You can also follow our journey on Twitter; we’ll be using the hashtags #Race&Relax and #RunWifeyRun.

Finally, I’d like to extend my appreciation to all of you who have been so supportive of my running adventures. Your encouragement and kind words have been extremely motivating and hope that in some way I can return some of that love to you!

Winks & Smiles,

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This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions, products, event tickets, travel and other forms of compensation. The owner of this blog may be compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner of this blog may receive compensation for a post or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question. This blog does not contain any content that might present a conflict of interest.

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