I was so excited when I received the answers to this week's Wives' Words that I decided to post them instead of my weekly Q and A. As much as I’d like to think that my opinion is the only one people want to read, I realize that’s not the case, ahem, so I created Wives' Words to highlight other wives and share their words of wisdom with you.
This week's wife is Future Mama from
Baby Makin(g) Machine. I got to know Future Mama well during The BlogRollers BlogHer or Bust Road Trip – she won the
Fourth Wheel Contest and rode with us to the conference - and I just love her! She's sweet, smart and super inquisitive; and shares so much of herself as she chronicles her journey to motherhood.
Here's Future Mama's Wives' Words:
Name: Jennifer aka Future Mama
Husband’s name: Brian
Years married: Almost 5 (on December 23rd!)
Children (ages): Snoop, Shar-pei mix is 21 months.
Occupation: Journalist
What was your biggest fear about getting married? Did it come true?
I'm not sure what my biggest fear was... Maybe that things would change between us. Things did... We started living together and everything was different. We have loved it through and grown so much together.
What’s the best thing about having a husband?
I love having someone I can always turn to for advice, and to whine to, haha. He's ALWAYS good at cheering me up though, no matter how sad I am... And even if he's mad at me. I really just like having someone that is like an extension of me.
What’s the most challenging thing about being married?
Having to cross things by him. Sometimes it's like I have a parent all over again and I'm trying to get permission for things. I am more outgoing and he's more private, sometimes that makes things (like blogging) hard.
How has your sex life changed since becoming a wife and how do you keep it thriving?
Yea! It went from non-existent to A LOT! haha. I'm not sure what I do to keep it thriving... If it's been awhile I try to clean up around the house, and get all dressed up myself. He likes it when I act like a homemaker. I've heard women say it turns them on when their husband cleans... It works the same way, but opposite with us.
What do you wish someone would have warned you about being married?
I think I heard all of the things like "it's work" "it's not always easy" But I think I wish I heard more of the positive advice like "50% of marriages survive forever... let that be yours!"
What words of wisdom would you like to share with other wives?
Always communicate! And grow spiritually together! I think the closer we both are to God the closer we are together :)
Thanks, Jennifer!
How about you? Got some Wives' Words to share? Wives everywhere want to know …
Winks & Smiles,