EVO '10: The Evolution of Me
Monday, June 28, 2010
At the beginning of 2010 I declared this the year of “I can.” So often I’m quick to come up with reasons why I can’t do something which I truly believe is a form of self-sabotage – or protection. If I stay inside my cozy little comfort zone I don’t have to risk being disappointed or even worse, embarrassed. Gasp! It keeps life easy, right? Wrong. There’s a huge problem with that. Little risk = little reward. Come on and say it with me, “Keep doing what you’ve been doing and you’ll keep getting what you’ve been getting.”
Fast-forward to the past few days I spent in Utah at the EVO ’10 conference – The Evolution of Women in Social Media. Not to be too hokey, ahem, but I believe that things happen for a reason. We are exactly where we need to be when we need to be there. The theme of “evolution” could not have been any more fitting for my mindset. I went into the conference thinking about my evolution and walked out affirmed and inspired.
Change is necessary. It’s a part of life and it happens whether we want it to or not. It can be scary as hell, but the beautiful thing about change is it doesn’t have to bad. Sometimes it happens to you, and sometimes you can make it happen. I’m not sure about you, but I prefer the latter.
At one of the many insightful sessions I attended three powerful, dynamic and memorable women (the super-talented Carol Roth, Liz Strauss and Ghennipher Weeks) challenged us to take what we've learned and figure out how we are going to incorporate it into our lives. One of the many lessons they drilled home is to know your goal and where you are going. Very logical, but so often so many of us forget to take that very important first step.
For me part of that is not letting my New Year’s goal of “I can” fizzle out in the second half of the year. In addition to identifying my business benchmarks, it’s climbing out of my comfort zone, taking risks and evolving. I figured there was no time like the present so at EVO ’10 I …
… took a gondola ride up the side of a mountain even though nosebleed seats in a stadium could easily send me into a panic attack.
… roomed with people I’d never met and stayed up chatting way past my bedtime like we were old college buddies.
… ran outside in the high altitude even though the security of the plush fitness center screamed my name.
… did the famous Ziprider at Park City Mountain Resort flying down the side of a mountain suspended high in the air from a cable at speeds up to 50 mph. Again, the whole-I'm-a-punk-with-heights thing made this HUGE for me.
… danced the "Cupid Shuffle" and the "Hokey Pokey" at the conference’s closing party even though I can’t dance for shit I’m rhythmically challenged. And, no, I wasn’t drunk.
These may seem like small feats to some but for me they were scary, exciting and fun elements in the evolution of me. And, like the song says, “that’s what it’s all about.”
Winks & Smiles,

Sounds like a great time and what a way to conquer your fear of heights.
Wow! How awesome. I love the way you made the evolution theme of the conference personal. Here's to your second half of 2010!
I was following your tweets while you were there and it all sounded to fabulous! Congratulations on being so BRAVE and trying all new things.
I am so glad you came and spoke at the conference, Lorraine! You truly helped make it wonderful.
I am thrilled to read this post and see how you applied the theme to your personal life. I am glad some of those applications actually happened during the conference. And, I can't wait to see what fabulous things you will accomplish as a result.
You are amazing, girl! Thanks again for bringing your awesome vibe to evo'10. Hope to see you next year :).
You forgot to mention that you won a Kodak Zi8! LOL. I expect to see some awesome vlogs from you, lady! xoxo
Thanks, Renee, Fergie & NYCGirl! I appreciate your kind words!
Jyl, you're the best! Thank YOU!
And Kadi, ooh I didn't forget ... a vlog about that very thing is brewing now! LOL!
Hi! I enjoyed reading this :-) I also enjoyed sitting with you over dinner at the closing party. Loved your insights!
Glad I got to know you and your blog. Excited to be your new follower :-)
Aww, thanks HappySammy! You and your husband were delightful! Glad we met and looking forward to checking your blog out, too!
Girl - I am too bushed to do anything else but am not sleeping until I put a lil something about our adventure tonight. I could not imagine anyone else I would have rather taken that ride with.
Love ya girl!
So so good to have you at EVO this year! Seeing you guys after the zipline was hilarious! And LOVED that you closed up this post with a timely line from the Hokey Pokey! :D
SOOO fun! Evo 10 completely resonated with me too! I also attended the Vlogging panel and am nervously working up the nerve to do it! Can't wait to see yours!
I am so proud of the two of you...even though you both were scaring the living shit out of me as we were headed up the mountain...even still, I can not imagined zip lining with two better people.
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