Isn't She Lovely?

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Isn't she lovely

Isn't she wonderful

Isn't she precious

Less than one minute old

I never thought through love we'd be

Making one as lovely as she

But isn't she lovely made from love

- Stevie Wonder

Husband played that song for me 7 years ago in the hospital room when my beautiful baby girl, Milan Nicole, was born. It’s the same song my mother said she used to play for me when I was little. And, it’s the same song that can still bring a smile to my face and tears to my eyes when I hear it.

Today is Milan’s birthday and I just can’t stop smiling. If you read my blog regularly you know that she’s a feisty one and just as smart as she can be. She’s dynamic, intelligent, funny, athletic, a leader and super sweet. She once told me she loves me more than Skittles. I mean really - it doesn’t get much better than that.

Yes, I could go on and on about my little princess but I won’t. I’ll share one of my favorite pics instead.

Happy Birthday, Baby Girl! Mommy loves you …

Winks & Smiles,
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EVO '10: The Evolution of Me

Monday, June 28, 2010

At the beginning of 2010 I declared this the year of “I can.” So often I’m quick to come up with reasons why I can’t do something which I truly believe is a form of self-sabotage – or protection. If I stay inside my cozy little comfort zone I don’t have to risk being disappointed or even worse, embarrassed. Gasp! It keeps life easy, right? Wrong. There’s a huge problem with that. Little risk = little reward. Come on and say it with me, “Keep doing what you’ve been doing and you’ll keep getting what you’ve been getting.”

Fast-forward to the past few days I spent in Utah at the EVO ’10 conference – The Evolution of Women in Social Media. Not to be too hokey, ahem, but I believe that things happen for a reason. We are exactly where we need to be when we need to be there. The theme of “evolution” could not have been any more fitting for my mindset. I went into the conference thinking about my evolution and walked out affirmed and inspired.

Change is necessary. It’s a part of life and it happens whether we want it to or not. It can be scary as hell, but the beautiful thing about change is it doesn’t have to bad. Sometimes it happens to you, and sometimes you can make it happen. I’m not sure about you, but I prefer the latter.

At one of the many insightful sessions I attended three powerful, dynamic and memorable women (the super-talented Carol Roth, Liz Strauss and Ghennipher Weeks) challenged us to take what we've learned and figure out how we are going to incorporate it into our lives. One of the many lessons they drilled home is to know your goal and where you are going. Very logical, but so often so many of us forget to take that very important first step.

For me part of that is not letting my New Year’s goal of “I can” fizzle out in the second half of the year. In addition to identifying my business benchmarks, it’s climbing out of my comfort zone, taking risks and evolving. I figured there was no time like the present so at EVO ’10 I …

… took a gondola ride up the side of a mountain even though nosebleed seats in a stadium could easily send me into a panic attack.

… roomed with people I’d never met and stayed up chatting way past my bedtime like we were old college buddies.

… ran outside in the high altitude even though the security of the plush fitness center screamed my name.

… did the famous Ziprider at Park City Mountain Resort flying down the side of a mountain suspended high in the air from a cable at speeds up to 50 mph. Again, the whole-I'm-a-punk-with-heights thing made this HUGE for me.

… danced the "Cupid Shuffle" and the "Hokey Pokey" at the conference’s closing party even though I can’t dance for shit I’m rhythmically challenged. And, no, I wasn’t drunk.

The courageous Mommy Niri and me after stepping off the Ziprider

These may seem like small feats to some but for me they were scary, exciting and fun elements in the evolution of me. And, like the song says, “that’s what it’s all about.”

Winks & Smiles,
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It’s an EVOlution

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I’m headed out west today to attend and speak at EVO ’10, The Evolution of Women in Social Media Conference.

I'm speaking at Evo 10

The conference, spearheaded by the lovely Jyl Johnson Pattee of Mom It Forward and #GNO, is gathering bloggers of all levels and genres to network, learn and spend a little time in the gorgeous mountains at The Canyons in Park City, Utah.

This is my first trip to Utah and I definitely plan on enjoying every moment. Who knows, I just might come home with some cowboy boots, too.

Winks & Smiles,
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Throwing in the Towel

Monday, June 21, 2010

Last month my USTA Women’s 3.0 tennis team won the Georgia State Championship and all the ladies were so excited to get one of these …

The coveted “champion” towel

Since then my prize possession has been camped out here …

The back of the chair in my office

That’s right. I couldn’t wait to get my “special” towel and I put it in a room where I barely ever am, and I could never show it off use it.


So often it seems like my first reaction is to down play my success. Or, maybe I was just trying to preserve the moment instead of enjoying it. I’m not sure, but I realized this weekend that it’s just a towel. It’s a special towel that only few will win and that I love, but it’s still a towel; so, I took that bad boy off my chair and threw it in my tennis bag.


I actually used it, too.

Double Gasp!

I decided to celebrate my success, live in the moment and you know what? It felt good.

How about you? Do you take the time to use what you’ve got and celebrate your success? Motivated Mamas want to know …

Winks & Smiles,
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Workin’ it Out with The Woman’s Day SlimDown

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I received an e-mail from the good folks at Woman’s Day about a fun weight loss project they’re doing and I just had to share.

They’re teaming up with nutritionist and Today Show contributor Joy Bauer (love her - I’m a Today Show junkie) where selected participants will receive a personalized diet plan and counseling to help them shed those unwanted pounds - plus the opportunity to blog about it on from August 2010 to January 2011. Talk about a fun and motivating way to get you going!

You can learn more about the Woman’s Day SlimDown with Joy Bauer here.

Good luck and make sure you do something today that gets you moving!

Winks & Smiles,
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It’s A Family Affair

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

So, after yesterday’s post and with these words of motivation stuck in my head I decided that I would wake the kids up early and go get my run in before I had my first meeting this morning. Besides, last night both of them expressed interest in doing a road race, “like Mommy does.”

We got up, got ready and headed to a near by park that has a half-mile track and a playground right next to it. Apparently, my kids want to do a race but they don’t want to run in one. I told them they had to do one lap with me then the playground was all theirs. After 15 steps all I heard was …

“Are you serious?”

“We have to run ALL the way around this?”

“I’m tired.”

They are so complaining to the wrong person.

“Well, I’m old,” I told them and “laziness will get you no where in life.”

I must really be old because I started sounding like somebody’s mother - ahem - and I’m certain they tuned me out. Never the less they ran (if that’s what you call it) one half-mile, and I got in three.

I snapped a few pics to memorialize this momentous occasion.

Milan’s pre-run beauty shot

Milan after - not so sure about this running thing

Miles before shot - focused and determined

Miles after - he's not tired of playing his DS

The playground - where they really want to be

Me, too!

How about you? What activities are you and your kids doing together this summer?

Winks & Smiles,
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Motivation to Get You Moving

Monday, June 14, 2010

I don’t normally posts about other people’s writings but sometimes you come across something that moves you so much you’ve just got to share.

I was blog-hopping yesterday, reading running recaps in search of some motivation and I found it – a post on determination and commitment. While it came from a running blog it pertains to ANYTHING that you choose to do. They’re words to inspire you to be the best you that you can be. They’re simple, yet strong and hopefully motivation to get you moving, too.

You can read them at Racing With Babes here.

Winks & Smiles,

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Prehistoric Mom

Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday’s Confession …

I’m old. I’m not just saying that because my 6-year-old asked me the other day if there were sports when I grew up.


“The same sports?”

She continued the abuse.

After clearing up that I am not 3900-years-old, only 39 I did realize that I’m feeling a bit old. Notice I said feeling. I believe that 39 is still young and apparently I try to act like it. I’m in three tennis leagues and I’m training for a marathon. At the same time. While the kids are out of school. No, I don’t smoke crack. but my body is sending me a message. I’m not 19 or 29 and while being active is important, not overtraining is equally as important.

With that said, I’m going to rest today before these boycott me …

I’m giving them the pillow treatment and their still screaming. They’d better watch it before they end up in a tub of ice.

Winks & Smiles,
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Race & Relax Recap – Part 2

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Our first Get Moving! Race & Relax event took place this past Saturday and I’m thrilled to say it was a huge success! Eighteen lovely ladies joined forces to run in the Virginia Highlands Summerfest 5K then celebrated in style at a scrumptious brunch. To keep things simple, I split my recap in half. You can read about Part 1 – Race – here.

Part 2 – Relax

Needless to say we had no problem slipping into “relax” mode after the race. Truthfully, the relax part of the event was what many of the participants were looking forward to! Once we all successfully crossed the finish line we headed over to Einstein’s in Mid-town where they were waiting to serve us a scrumptious brunch compliments of Walt Disney World Resort. The ladies had their choice of several entrees varying from Malted Banana Pancakes to the Ixtapa Scramble (scrambled eggs, chorizo sausage, tomato, red onion, jalapeno pepper, cheese, cilantro and salsa verde) to an Angus Burger. Everyone was also treated to one specialty drink to celebrate the occasion. Thumbs up to their Grilled Pineapple Sangria! I’m just sayin’.

During brunch we mixed, mingled and enjoyed the moment. We also enjoyed our fabulous swag bags sponsored by Wine Sisterhood. Each beauty received a beautiful canvas tote filled with goodies from Pampered By Adrienne, ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex, some other fabulous treats and of course the coveted spa gift certificates courtesy of Walt Disney World Resort.

The ladies were excited to walk in and receive their bags but they were also thrilled to receive these …

Surprise personalized trophies sponsored by The Cherry Marketing Institute

We thought it would be the perfect touch to acknowledge the ladies’ wonderful accomplishments – and we were thrilled that they were thrilled to get them.

Here are more pics from brunch:

The beauties surprised to find trophies – looking for their names

Digging in the bags to see what they’ve got

A good look at what was inside

The ladies showing off their goods

Again, I’d like to thank our wonderful sponsors - The Cherry Marketing Institute, Walt Disney World Resort, Wine Sisterhood and Pampered By Adrienne. A huge thank you to them, to Maria Bailey from BSM Media who was instrumental in helping to making this event happen, and to Corey from Econopix for documenting our special day with photos!

Looking forward to the next one …

Winks & Smiles,
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World Wide Wifey

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

OK, maybe not “world wide” but I am moving around the web a little bit.

Last night I was a featured guest on the fabulous Christine Eisner’s show, The Comfort Living Club, where we dished about creating your home after the wedding. I was in wonderful company with other guests, gift guru Robyn Spizman, and event planner extraordinaire Tony Conway. Interested? You can catch a replay on Christine’s site,

Today, you can find me over at The Root, a daily on-line magazine, where I contribute the last installment of a three-part series on Atlanta. Yes, ya’ll they called on me to fill in folks about nightlife in the A-town. You can read about the happenings here.

Oh, and stay tuned ... my Race & Relax Recap: Part 2, Relax, is up next!

Winks & Smiles,

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Race & Relax Recap – Part 1

Monday, June 7, 2010

Our first Get Moving! Race & Relax event took place this past Saturday and I’m thrilled to say it was a huge success! Eighteen lovely ladies joined forces to run in the Virginia Highlands Summerfest 5K then celebrated in style at a scrumptious brunch. To keep things simple, I’m going to split my recap in half.

Part 1 – Race

We gathered at 7:15 a.m. to meet up before the 8 a.m. start time. Thankfully, the weather cooperated with us, we had threats of thunderstorms, but it was sunny and somewhat cool for Hotlanta so we couldn’t complain. It was fun to put faces with blog and twitter names as many of the ladies hadn’t met before. Some of us did gather the night before for an impromptu Tweet up to celebrate the race and welcome our contest winner, Fiona Bryan of Bantering Blonde and MomActive, who we flew in from Denver for the race. We had a blast at Buckhead Pizza Company where we mingled, had a drink and had the lovely Funkidivagirl and her husband @KeyInfluncer come through and do his Friday Night Mix live from our little soiree. Good stuff!

Back to the race, it was a beautiful course through the residential streets of historic Virginia Highlands in Atlanta. It was rather hilly, ahem, but the ladies did awesome – some of them even PR’d! We had runners, walkers and even “woggers” – a new term coined by the fabulous Broke Socialite. I ran with my sister, Nicole, who totally rocked it. This was her first time running since giving birth to my beautiful niece, Haven, and probably sometime before that. I decided not to pay attention to my time for this race but to focus more on making sure everyone else was happy, motivated and moving. Once Nicole and I crossed the finish line, Fiona and I went to find the walkers and finish the race with them.

I’m so proud of the Race & Relax Beauties and all that they accomplished. While a handful of them have run 3 miles before, this was a first for many and a huge notch on their belt. With that said, they definitely deserved the “Relax” part of this journey. More on that in Part 2, but for now here are some pics from the Race.

Our contest winner, Fiona, arrives to the race in style! Well, we couldn’t let her walk to the race.

Lisa C. Writes and @TheGreatDanaJ were chatting it up while we waited

Krystal Grant and new mommy Joan of All Trades were ready for their first race

The Race & Relax Beauties before the race

OK, so we were pumped and a little silly before the race, too

Me and my BlogRollin’ partner, Christie

Getting my music right, this was my new baby’s first race

The slim and trim Renee J Ross taking pics and cheering folks on after finishing the race (She PR’d – Yay, Renee!)

Me getting ready to cross the finish line. Aren’t our Powered By Red shirts cute? A huge thanks to the Cherry Marketing Institute!

All the Beauties afterwards

Still Smiling and having fun

Race & Relax had several wonderful sponsors including The Cherry Marketing Institute, Walt Disney World Resort, The Wine Sisterhood and Pampered By Adrienne. A huge thank you to them and the lovely participants for making it happen; and another big thank you to our wonderful photographer (and my brother-in-law) Corey Shelton for caputuring the morning in pictures for us!

Stay tuned for Part 2. We all had no problem Relaxing …

Winks & Smiles,
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It's Time to Get Moving!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Friday’s Confession …

I’m excited.

No, elated.

Actually, I’m beyond thrilled that tomorrow is our first Get Moving! Race & Relax event. In the morning, 20 lovely ladies will get together to support, encourage and run (or walk) the Virginia Highlands Summerfest 5K in Atlanta. Afterwards, we’ll celebrate our accomplishment with a fabulous brunch and will be rewarded with spa gift certificates. *insert running-man dance here*

I’m so appreciative of the women who signed up to launch this event and to the wonderful sponsors – Walt Disney World Resort, The Cherry Marketing Institute, Wine Sisterhood, Pampered By Adrienne – who are helping to make it possible.

My goal for Race & Relax is to encourage women to get active and take care of themselves – and I’m so pleased to say we’re off to a great start. I’m looking forward to fun-filled morning and will make sure to take lots of pictures to share with you next week.

What are your plans for the weekend? Hopefully you’ll “Get Moving,” too!

Winks & Smiles,

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National Running Day: Top 10 Reasons Why I Run

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I don’t know how this one caught me off guard, but I just found out today is National Running Day. Hmm, an excuse to write about, ahem, and encourage everyone to get moving.

In honor of this lovely day, I’ve listed the Top 10 Reasons Why I Run. They are (in no particular order):

1. For my health

2. For my sanity

3. For the challenge

4. Because it feels good

5. For fun (yes, gasp, it’s actually fun)

6. So, I can get back into my “skinny jeans”

7. Because I can’t say no to chocolate … or beer

8. For camaraderie (runners are some of the nicest and encouraging people)

9. To set a positive, active example for my kids

10. Because I can

How about you? Why do you run? Or, do what ever activity gets you moving? I’d love to know and cheer you on!

Winks & Smiles,
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Who Wears Short Shorts?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I reached a milestone in my running career yesterday - no I didn't set any personal records or complete my first marathon, yet. I wore my first pair of running shorts.


OK, maybe not such a milestone for many, but for me, someone who has always been critical of my big ass large legs, its a pretty big deal. As I continue to shed pounds I'm also consciously shedding my insecurities and simply letting the small stuff go. It's ridiculous to wear long pants in the summertime while running - and it's too damn hot!

Me, post run, rockin' my new shorts (that sweat is hard work people!)

Oh, and yes, I loved the shorts; and the hurdle I jumped over to wear them.

Winks & Smiles,
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This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions, products, event tickets, travel and other forms of compensation. The owner of this blog may be compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner of this blog may receive compensation for a post or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question. This blog does not contain any content that might present a conflict of interest.

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