Do You Live in the Moment?
Friday, October 29, 2010
Do YOU live in the moment?
Winks & Smiles,

Do people really tweet their way through marathons? And, have it covered by the
Run, Tweet & Ride.
Winks & Smiles,
I'm making my marathon playlist ... what music gets you moving? Let me know at Run Wifey Run.
Winks & Smiles,
Training - done. Nutrition plan - done. Shoes, gadgets and music - done. Clothes ... um, clothes?
Clothing Required at Run Wifey Run ...
Winks & Smiles,
I'm dishing about food today at Run Wifey Run. Should Oreos be a part of marathon training? Gasp!
Stop on by and find out.
Winks & Smiles,
What do Disney Parks, Steve Harvey, Essence Magazine and Wifey all have in common?
How's that for a teaser? Come see.
Winks & Smiles,
Well, more like a brand new blog – gasp!
Friday’s Confession …
I’ve got a crush on Buzz Lightyear. Not really, but I fell in love with Disney On Ice’s Toy Story 3 when I attended the show at Phillips Arena in Atlanta on Wednesday. It’s not like someone had to twist my arm to get me to go since I’m a princess and all, ahem, but I didn’t realize how much fun I would have. When I was invited to attend I thought the kids would love it, and they did, but secretly they were my cover so I could go and get my inner child on – guilt free.
The night started with a private meet & greet where several Atlanta-area bloggers and their families enjoyed food, arts & crafts and of course some personal time with Buzz and Woody.
I’m 17 days away from running my first marathon and I’m in taper mode – meaning I’m cutting back on my miles to rest for the big day. In addition to tapering, my foot is still sore so I’m resting a little more than I’d like to.
I want to run, dammit, but I know I need to slow down so I’ve been in search of a little motivation. Fortunately, in the blogosphere motivation is easy to find. One of my favorite bloggers, Bobbi from NHerShoes ran the Chicago Marathon last Sunday on 10-10-10. In her recap post she takes you through race day so perfectly that if I wasn’t a runner I would be now.
Need a little motivation to get moving? Check out Bobbi’s post here.
Make sure to do something today to take care of you.
Winks & Smiles,
I spent the past four days at The Blogalicious Weekend in Miami at The Ritz Carlton South Beach and in four words - I had a blast.
The conference brought together approximately 200 women to celebrate the diversity of all ethnicities in social media. And celebrate we did. We also networked, learned, laughed, bonded and created memories that we’ll hang onto until Blogalicious 2011. I had the privilege of speaking on The Chronicles of Fit Divas panel and enjoyed the awesome dialogue and real talk we had with the audience. Thanks to everyone who came out.
The Beach
So, I was staying on South Beach and there was no way I wasn’t going for a run while I was there.
Our Feel Good ~ Live Positively ~ Be Blogalicious Tweet Up was a huge success last night. We ate, drank, chatted and had an engaging online question and answer session with nutritionist Michelle Stewart, The Nutrition Planner. While our livestream had some technical difficulties it all worked out wonderfully – just ask the online winner of a brand new iPad – Aliah Davis-McHenry.
Dana Jones was our in person winner …
I’ve sometimes talked about revisiting 21, but I always meant the age, not miles. Well, after logging in 21 miles this Saturday, I definitely wanted to celebrate like it was my 21st birthday. To say I was excited would be an understatement. Not only is it my furthest distance, but it’s my last long run before my first marathon – the Marine Corps Marathon on Halloween. I get to taper now and scale back the miles and my body truly appreciates that.
My morning started at 4:40 a.m.
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