Ask Wifey Q&A: To Fuss or Not To Fuss?
Friday, July 30, 2010
Wifey's Q and A
Hi Wifey,
I was just turned on to your blog and I think it's fantastic. I have a question (obviously)! I've been married for 5 months and my husband's birthday is coming up. I want to do something special, creative, and on a budget. He recently commented that my family really celebrates Xmas and birthdays but that his did not so he's not expecting anything but dinner (which I do all the time). My sense is, he would really appreciate a true celebration but has grown accustomed to it not being a big deal. Any thoughts?
By the way he may or may not appreciate going out because he travels 4 to 5 days a week so he really values his time at home.
- Mrs. Birthday Boy
Dear Mrs. Birthday Boy
Congratulations and welcome to the wonderful and wild world of marriage! I’m a birthday lover and believe that everyone should have a cake and some fuss on their day so I might be a tad bit biased when I tell you to trust your senses and give your new hubby a true celebration. Dinner at home sounds like a good idea but make it extra special. Make his favorite meal, have his favorite drink, bake him a birthday cake (or buy one if you’re dangerous in the kitchen) dress yourself up like you’re going out on the town – do the things that you know HE will like. Remember this is his celebration not yours.
Because he’s not used to the fuss you might not want to go too overboard, but do enough to make him happy and set some new traditions for your new family – that would be you and him. Pay attention to his reaction so you know how to handle things moving forward and most importantly, let him know you love him and you’re happy he’s part of your life. My guess is that will be all the celebration he needs.
Winks & Smiles,

How about you? Do you and your husband celebrate special occasions the same way? Feel free to share your Wives Words ...
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