Excuse Me While I Have a Mama Moment

Monday, May 31, 2010

My baby's not a baby anymore. Yes, my real, baby. Not this one, but this one:

Miles on his big day

Yesterday we celebrated Miles' 9th birthday. How did we get here? Seriously, I remember when Husband and I shuddered at the thought of having kids. We knew we wanted them, but just not at that particular time. Shortly after we got married, all thoughts and effort, ahem, went to bringing little Miles into this world. Now, I'm simply in awe of him. Every year I watch him grow into such a smart, funny, thoughtful, charismatic young man and I just love it - and him!

Miles and his cake - no more characters - he's killing me!

I got him good with trick relighting candles

One of his presents - we have big dreams for this kid

At the bowling alley with his boys

My other baby

My guys - Dad, Miles, and Husband

He still likes to hang with his Mama

Happy Birthday, Miles! Mommy loves you.

Winks & Smiles,
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Make Room in Wifey’s House for One More Baby

Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday’s Confession …

I’m in love … with my new iPhone.


I know, I always said there’s no more room in Wifey’s House for anymore babies but I just couldn’t help myself. Yes, I’m late to the party but now that I’ve discovered the beauty of my new baby I just can’t put her down – even when she’s sleeping. I also went out and bought her some goodies. Right, you’re not supposed to spoil babies but she definitely needed something to wear…

Pink is so her color

And something comfortable to stay close to me while I’m running …

She fits nice and snug

I also picked up a car charger and a protective screen – she’s got to stay juiced up and scratch free.

No, people, I haven’t lost my mind, ahem, totally – I just got a new baby.

Winks & Smiles,
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Savvy Scheduling

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

So I’ve successfully survived the first two full days of the kids’ summer vacation. No really, that’s a coup.

OK, seriously, dare I say the first two days went well; and I attribute that to their schedule. I received a lot of great feedback about Friday’s post in comments, on Twitter and IRL, and it’s been really helpful in preserving my sanity. I’m finding that the kids are quickly adapting to the schedule that I set for them and so am I. We’re all liking it so much that I’m going to create a brand spankin’ new schedule for me, too, so that I can stay productive and somewhat stress free in the process. Work smarter, not harder. I like that.

Are there any savvy schedulers out there? I think the key to scheduling is making it realistic, ahem, and then actually following it. Does anybody do that? UnDiscipline moms want to know …

Winks & Smiles,

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My Secret for Solving Soreness

Monday, May 24, 2010

OK, well maybe it’s not a secret but its news to me.

I was planning on taking a picture for this post of me with a tall glass of tart cherry juice that one of our wonderful Race & Relax sponsors, The Cherry Marketing Institute, sent to all of the participants, but it went so fast in my house (thanks Husband for helping yourself, ahem) that all I got was this:

Me and my empty glass wishing I had more cherry juice

Believe me when I say I will get some more. I loved it and apparently Husband gave it the big thumbs up, too, because I drank half the bottle then went back for more and it was gone.

I first learned about the powerful effects of cherries after reading one of my marathon mentor’s (the wonderful Maria Bailey from BSM Media and Mom TV) tweets. She shared that including cherries in your post run or workout routine helped combat soreness, so I started tossing some in my chocolate protein shakes. Yum. Then when The Cherry Marketing Institute sent me the tart bottle of cherry juice I was hooked. It came at the perfect time, too, right before my USTA State Tennis Tournament where I was playing two matches a day for four days and training for Race & Relax and my marathon. Gasp! While I was exhausted after the tournament, I wasn’t nearly as sore as I expected and I believe partial credit goes to the cherries.

I love finding food that taste great and is good for you, too, and felt compelled to share my great find with you. Don't worry, there’s more than enough cherries for everyone. You can learn more about the nutritional benefits of cherries (they’re packed with lots of antioxidants) and the Red Recovery Routine at http://www.choosecherries.com/.

Winks & Smiles,
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Summertime Sanity

Friday, May 21, 2010

Friday’s Confession …

It’s the last day of school and I’m feeling conflicted. On one hand my kids are going to be home for 10 weeks (*insert feelings of maternal joy and loving smiles here*); and on the other hand my kids are going to be home for 10 weeks (*insert feelings of maternal panic and freaking out here*).

While I’m truly looking forward to a fun-filled summer of swimming, tennis, sleepovers and family bonding dare I say I will miss my school day me time? Not that I was really using it for me – no bon bons here, mostly work and household stuff – but still it was time I knew I could attempt to accomplish the fifty-million tasks on my To-Do list.

But, with that said, I am ready. Sort of. I’ve got Summer-Bridge workbooks, reading plans and incentives, a few weeks of camp lined up and calls in to all the grandparents for a little family relief. Oh, and a case of wine. I'm just sayin'.

How about you? What are your summer plans and how do you stay sane when school is out? Summertime mamas want to know …

Winks & Smiles,

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Lucky Number 11

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

So I’m late, but fortunately I wasn’t late, ahem, that magical day when I walked down the aisle to marry Husband 11 years and 11 days ago.

May 8 is one of the most special days of my life. It’s my wedding anniversary and while I thank God everyday that he brought Husband to my life, I celebrate it even more on that day. This year I was out of town playing in a tennis tournament, it was Mother’s Day weekend and lots of stuff was happening that didn’t allow me to post so I’m doing it now. Yes, don’t worry; we didn’t let the day slip by without celebrating.

A clip from my wedding featured on TLC's "A Wedding Story, Husband put it on YouTube for our 10th Anniversary

Happy Anniversary, Husband! Thank you for being the husband, father, friend, lover and man that you are.

Winks & Smiles,

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Back on Track

Monday, May 17, 2010

I ran on Saturday for the first time in a week and a half and it felt great. I know a week and a half is not really a long time, but when you’ve become addicted to running, ahem, it feels like forever. Not only is running helping to get me in physical shape, but it helps with my sanity, too. I’m much sharper, and quite honestly, much happier when I get my run on.

So, that’s what I did with my marathon training group this past Saturday. We ran a little more than 6 miles and experimented with some 2:1 run/walk intervals. That means, we warmed up running and then alternated running for 2 minutes then walking for 1 minute for the remainder of the time. I have to admit I was skeptical and clinging to the idea of only running, but I can see how intervals would be very helpful over the course of 26.2 (can’t forget the .2); and I’m definitely open to trying it again. Oh, and no, intervals did not slow us down, if anything we finished a little faster than a straight run.

Me after my run, rockin’ my new “I’m a Runner Not a Hater” T-shirt

How about you? What are you doing to get your body and mind in shape? I’d love to know and cheer you on!

Winks & Smiles,
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Just Call Me Paula Deen

Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday’s Confession …

I cooked dinner tonight for the first time in … um, a long time.

So, Paula Deen might be a bit of a stretch since I just made some spaghetti – but I did add ground turkey meat to the sauce that I doctored up after I poured it out of the jar – ahem. Look, it’s more than what’s been happening at Wifey’s House, but trust me everyone is being fed. Thank God for pre-cooked rotisserie chicken.

Between traveling, writing, event planning, the kids, the house, the dog, tennis, marathon training, did I mention Husband in there? Who am I kidding, you all know better than anyone else how life can have you spinning in circles. By the end of the day all I want to do is this:

Yup, husband caught me knocked out the night I got back from running Disney’s Princess Half Marathon, and quite honestly I’ve wanted to do a lot of that lately – sleep that is.

Am I by myself? Surely I can’t be the only sleep-deprived mama who hasn’t seen her kitchen in awhile. How do you make everything happen in your house and still get food on the table? Hungry wives want to know …

Winks & Smiles,
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There’s No Such Thing as Too Much Tennis

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

While I’m quick to talk about my new found love for running I don’t seem to post too much about my other love – tennis. I’m not sure why as I’ve been playing, year-round, for the past 3 to 4 years. To say I’m addicted to tennis would be an understatement and now that Husband is playing, too, it’s pretty much apart of our daily lives.

This past weekend my USTA Women’s 3.0 tennis team won the Georgia State Championship. My teammates and I drove to Macon, Georgia, this past Thursday night and spent the next four days playing two matches per day against teams from all over Georgia and loved every second of it. Did I mention there’s no such thing as too much tennis? Aside from winning the championship, this weekend was so special because of the wonderful women I’m proud to call my teammates friends. The love, support and encouragement everyone consistently gives each other is amazing. Never have I been apart of such camaraderie with such a dynamic group of women. Everyone on the team has talent and is such a superstar; but what’s so special is they want to see their teammates shine even brighter than themselves. There’s no bickering, no pettiness, and no drama. And, that, my friends, is rare.

 My usual self-portrait

Our "official" team photo

 Hangin' out waiting for our court assignments

 Tired after two matches

 My partner, Pam and I, also dubbed "The Twin Towers"

 Husband, My dad, my mother-in-law and my babies came to see me on Mother's Day

 Showing off my coveted champions towel

The gals in all our glory

Congratulations to the McGhee Tennis Center USTA 3.0 Adult Women State Champions! Looking forward to big things at Sectionals!

Winks & Smiles,
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Workin’ It Out with Jane Fonda & Friends

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A couple of weeks ago I shared with you that I was invited to attend the first World Fitness Day, the brainchild of the fabulous Jane Fonda. Well, on May 1st I and approximately 1,500 people gathered in the Georgia Dome while 46,000 checked in via the live webcast as we got our workout on with several fitness celebrities including Billy Blanks, Denise Austin, Debbie Allen and Richard Simmons. To say it was fun was an understatement. The energy was high and laughs were a plenty while I sweated it out with several of Atlanta’s blogging elite. Here are a few pics from the day:

Billy Blanks and his daughter showing some moves on the press line

Richard Simmons and Billy Blanks goofing off for the cameras

Debbie Allen still instructing people to pay – in sweat

The Pointer Sisters entertained the crowd after the workout. They’re still sounding and lookin’ good.

Harry the Hawk came by and showed me a little love

Bloggers unite before the workout

Jane Fonda and the fitness gurus – she looks fabulous

Is texting while exercising illegal? We all were tweeting away.

Ludacris came and kept the crowd moving

I didn’t find my old leg warmers but I did rock this funky wristband

Plans are already in the works for the second annual World Fitness Day. I’ll be there; I hope you will, too!

Winks & Smiles,
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Bantering Blonde is Atlanta Bound

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Remember last week The BlogRollers held a contest to fly one lucky winner to Atlanta to take place in our first Get Moving! Race & Relax event happening June 5, 2010? Well, I’m thrilled to announce that the lovely Fiona Bryan from Bantering Blonde and MomActive will be hopping a plane and joining us for the big day!

Fiona was on a mission to win with a whopping 19 entries and we’re excited that she’s our newest Race & Relax beauty.
We’re also pleased to welcome the Wine Sisterhood to the party! The Wine Sisterhood has signed on as the exclusive Swag Bag sponsor for Get Moving! Race & Relax. Thanks to them all the participants will enjoy a lovely bag that we are filling with fitness and relaxation goodies!

The Wine Sisterhood joins the Cherry Marketing Institute, Walt Disney World Resort and Pampered by Adrienne as sponsors for this event. We appreciate all of their support in making Race & Relax happen and are super excited for a fabulous event. We also appreciate everyone who entered the contest and look forward to hosting more events and opportunities soon!

Winks & Smiles,

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WifeSavers: Bringing Sexy Back

Monday, May 3, 2010

What do you get when you combine 10 women, 10 chairs, a few poles, some high-heels, the best sex columnist on the web and the most popular sensual dance studio in Atlanta? The BlogRollers’ first WifeSavers: Bringing Sexy Back event, of course!

A few weeks ago My BlogRollin’ partner, Christie, and I sent out an e-mail to a couple of our bloggy-buddies asking them if they’d be interested in attending the launch of our new WifeSavers series.

WifeSavers is a series of events and experiences for brides-to-be, newlyweds and veteran wives created to help them thrive in the throws of marriage. The series offers a variety of individual events geared toward enlightening and enhancing one aspect of wifehood including exercise and fitness, cooking, intimacy, personal makeovers, home décor and repair, and auto maintenance. Informative and entertaining, WifeSavers arms wives with tips, tricks and tactics to help them be the best they can be.

We were met with a resounding, um, hell yes! In fact, all the slots filled up so quickly we didn’t get to open it up to our WifeSavers VIP Club like we planned. So, last Friday night, ten of us got together to learn some new dance moves at Pole La Teaz in Atlanta. Our fabulous instructor and co-owner of Pole La Teaz, Ro, was awesome. Not just at moving her hips, but at encouraging us to unleash our inner sex-divas that so desperately wanted to come out. After learning how to work the chair, we sat in them, sipped some wine and chatted with sex columnist and author of "The Mominatrix's Guide to Sex: A No-Surrender Advice Book for Naughty Moms" Kristen Chase. Kristen shared some tips from her new book about recharging your sex-life and led us in a candid, ahem, discussion about – sex! It was informative, exciting and refreshing to tackle a subject that’s so taboo, but so important in marriage.

Ro was workin’ those heels

Some of the gals getting ready to go for it

This is about the best I can do with the pole

My Brown Baby and Execumama Tweeting and Facebooking in between moves

Christie’s so sweet she brought me a cake and goodies for my birthday, that's Nancy holding it up

Kristen signing "The Mominatrix's Guide to Sex" – that girl knows her stuff!

Christie, Kristen and moi after a fun girls night out

This was our second trip to Pole La Teaz, you can read about our first adventure here. If you’re ever in the Atlanta or Houston area make sure to put Pole La Teaz on your list; and if you don’t already have "The Mominatrix's Guide to Sex," it’s a must, go get your copy here!

Winks & Smiles,

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