My Sweet Haven

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Sneak Peek Inside Wifey’s House

Well, actually, we’re peeking inside my sister’s house today. My favorite and only sister, Nicole, gave birth yesterday to my beautiful niece, Haven Lorraine Shelton.

Isn’t she just perfect?

Sweet little Haven and her favorite Auntie Lolo
(yes, I'm just a tad excited; and no, I really couldn’t smile any harder)

I’m happy to share that both mommy and baby are doing really well and should be home for me to spoil soon. Congratulations Nicole and Corey! Welcome to the other side …

Winks & Smiles
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While The Boys Are Away The Girls Will Play

Monday, December 28, 2009

A Sneak Peek Inside Wifey’s House

After enjoying a wonderful Christmas with family and friends, and a much needed break the following day, we at Wifey’s House were up and into things again over the weekend. Yesterday, while Husband took Miles to see his first professional football game, Milan and I stayed behind to have a little Princess Tiana pamper party compliments of Carol’s Daughter.

Yes, I’m a football fanatic, too, but there were only two tickets to be had and Milan and I would rather pamper ourselves silly than scream at missed tackles and touchdowns. And that’s exactly what we did. Well, sort of. Milan got the best of this little spa day with some of the products from The Magical Beauty Collection by Carol’s Daughter celebrating Disney’s newest animated film, “The Princess and The Frog” and their first African American princess, Tiana.

Little girl was super excited to put on her new CD, “Disney The Princess and The Frog: Tiana and Her Princess Friends,” and get her hair washed and condition in a bubble bath using products with her favorite princess on the bottle. “I know her, Mommy,” she reminds me, and everyone else, that she and Princess Tiana are best buds.

I was super excited because of the natural ingredients and quality that’s synonymous with Carol’s Daughter products. And, I’m pleased to say The Magical Beauty Collection delivered. Each product features an inspirational message tying-in the values and lessons that Tiana learns in the movie. As a mom trying to instill high self-esteem and positive messages into the impressionable mind of a six year-old, I LOVE that. We tried the shampoo (The Beauty Within), the conditioner (Inner Shine) and the bubble bath (Sharing Means Caring). They all passed my little diva’s smell test (she won’t get near anything that is too fragrant or even mildly offensive) and mommy’s safe test (everything was natural, gentle and left her clean and happy).

Princess Milan after her day of pampering

We were having so much fun we decided to paint her nails ...

… and toes, too.

Miles at his first NFL football game

Husband and Miles at the Georgia Dome

Thanks to our good friend, Ron, for giving Husband and Miles the tickets to get out of the house so Milan and I could enjoy our princess time; and a special thanks to Carol’s Daughter for sending us The Magical Beauty Collection. Little girl is ready to make princess pampering part of her regular routine.

Winks & Smiles,
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The Stars Are Out at Wifey’s House

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Sneak Peek Inside Wifey’s House

Not only did both of my children participate in our church’s Christmas play this year – my little angel Milan played just that and Miles was a cowboy shepherd (don’t ask) – but someone else from Wifey’s House had the starring role: Milan’s favorite doll Victoria lit up the church as baby Jesus.

The three stars posing for the paparazzi after a stellar performance

My little angel proudly displaying her own little star

This is the second year in a row that a doll in Milan’s collection has been cast as the most important child born to man. I’m just glad they didn’t pick her peeing Baby Alive that she always forgets to diaper.

Winks & Smiles,
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Sugar, Sugar

Monday, December 21, 2009

A Sneak Peek Inside Wifey’s House

Apparently, I’m not only in training for a marathon, but for The Sugar Coma Tour, too. That’s right, it’s a good thing I’m continuing to log miles in my journey to run my first marathon because I am also doing an excellent job logging sugar. Gasp!

When my good friend The Broke Socialite (TBS) sent me an invite to be a Sugar Baby on her upcoming Sugar Coma tour I immediately responded – "Um, Yes! You had me at Sugar."

This is the one time of year that I completely and willingly allow myself to indulge in my undying love for sugar. During the holidays I bake, and eat –ahem, all the sweets I desire: pound cake, Christmas cookies, key-lime pie, cheesecake, and just about anything having to do with chocolate.

Mmm, Chocolate Cream Pie! One of my favorites!

So, to say TBS has good timing with her upcoming Sugar Coma Tour is an understatement. On January 16th, 2010, she is hosting some of her friends in social media (and real life, too) on a whirlwind tasting tour of some of Atlanta's bakeries, cupcakeries and sweet spots. We'll meet pastry chefs, taste new recipes and enjoy the venues. This is the first of several swanky soirees the fabulous TBS is planning and guess what ... if you live in the Atlanta area there’s opportunity for you to be involved, too! Visit TBS here to learn more details.

How about you? Do you have a sugar – or sweet tooth, too? What’s your favorite sweet to eat during this time of year? Sugar Mamas want to know …

Winks & Smiles,
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Harmless Flirting

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wifey's Weekly Q and A

Dear Wifey:

I’m a happily married woman, but I think I have a crush on my daughter’s doctor. He’s new to her pediatricians’ office, young, attractive and attentive. He seems genuinely interested in what I have to say. I would NEVER cheat on my husband; I love him, but am I wrong to flirt with the doctor?

- Mrs. Harmless Flirting

Dear Mrs. Harmless Flirting:

It depends what you consider flirting. You are not the first or only woman to ogle at their baby’s doctor. Mommy crushes are quite popular, especially with “young, attractive, attentive” men that are servicing you in some capacity – your dentist, your mechanic, your son’s T-ball coach or the hot guy serving you Starbuck’s on your way to work.

Just because you’re married, doesn’t mean that you don’t notice good looking men anymore. It’s harmless as long as you keep it in perspective and don’t cross any lines. In no way should your actions, or his, stray away from the doctor-patient relationship. You’re married, but you’re still human. Enjoy the doctor’s visits, but get your real flirt on with your husband.

Winks & Smiles,

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How about you? Do you ever find yourself flirting with the hot guy in the car pool line? Have you ever had a mommy crush? What do you consider crossing the line? Wondering wives want to know ...

The advice on this site is intended to be helpful, but is not meant to take the place of marital counseling, legal advice, financial advice or any other professional service. If you feel you need professional help, it is encouraged for you to get some.

Chattin’ it Up on The ChatterBox Show

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tomorrow morning I get to talk to one of my favorite people about one of my favorite things! That’s right, I’ll be chattin’ it up on The ChatterBox Show with my BlogRollin’ partner, Christie, and her guest the ever so knowledgeable and funny Charles Orlando. The topic: the best and worst spouse holiday gifts.

The show airs live on Blog Talk Radio tomorrow, Monday December 14, at 10 AM EST. Click here to join us!

Winks & Smiles,

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Husband's Holiday Cheat Sheet

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wifey's Weekly Q and A

Dear Wifey:

I love my husband but he didn’t pick out good Christmas presents for me last year. This is our first Christmas married and I would really love to get something that I might actually like. He hasn’t asked, but I want to give him a list. Is that wrong?

- Mrs. Wish List

Dear Mrs. Wish List:

No, it is not wrong to give your husband a “wish list” or "cheat sheet" to steer him in the right direction. Not everyone was born with a fabulous-shopping gene so feel free to help him out; just make sure you don’t insult him or let him know how bad he bombed last year. The last thing you want to do is crush his ego. Suggest that you both make wish lists to make things easier on each other. If he’s not a shopper he’ll probably welcome the idea leaving the two of you less stressed and much happier as you open presents, that you'll truly enjoy, under the tree.

Winks & Smiles,

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How about you? Do you help Husband with hints for your holiday gifts? Wondering wives want to know ...

The advice on this site is intended to be helpful, but is not meant to take the place of marital counseling, legal advice, financial advice or any other professional service. If you feel you need professional help, it is encouraged for you to get some.

Bayou Bound

Monday, December 7, 2009

Yup, I’m hitting the road again, well actually I’m flying (courtesy of Air Tran) with my BlogRollin’ partner, Christie, the good folks at Everywhere, and the rest of the Macy’s Path to Peace digital outreach team to take part in an unprecedented LIVE on location #gno tomorrow night, Tuesday, December 8 at 9 PM EST, in New Orleans.

The fabulous Jyl Johnson Pattee, founder of #gno and Mom It Forward, will join us for the Macy’s Rwanda Path to Peace in-store at Macy’s Lakeside at 6 PM (CST) and to host her renowned Girls Night Out twitter party LIVE from NOLA celebrating holiday giving.

If you are in or near New Orleans please come out and join us live – I’d love to say hello! If you aren’t in the area you can still party with us by using Jyl’s custom tweet grid. We’ll also be USTREAMing so watch for tweets with the link.

Wait, there’s more. We’ve got some goodies to giveaway …

Make sure to visit Mom It Forward here to enter to win the Path to Peace Prize Pack from Macy’s ($250 retail value).

Good Luck and I hope to see you live or on-line tomorrow night!

Winks & Smiles,
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Me Tarzan, You Jane

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wifey’s Weekly Q and A – Sort of

Earlier this week I received a tweet from the fabulous Aliya S King inviting me to weigh-in on a post she wrote about marriage. Since she’s such a talented writer I quickly popped over to see what she had going on.

Her post, Is My Husband the Boss of Me?, tackles the classic me-Tarzan-you-Jane-can-my-husband-tell-me-what-to-do-cause-I’m-an-independent-woman question through her entertaining and funny recap of her husband’s class reunion. Her dilemma: what to wear, what to wear!

I, of course, ahem, shared my two-cents in her comments and invite you all over to read her post and weigh-in as well. It’s a good read, posing a good question, Is My Husband the Boss of Me?

Winks & Smiles,

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This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions, products, event tickets, travel and other forms of compensation. The owner of this blog may be compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner of this blog may receive compensation for a post or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question. This blog does not contain any content that might present a conflict of interest.

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