Bantering Blonde is Atlanta Bound

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Remember last week The BlogRollers held a contest to fly one lucky winner to Atlanta to take place in our first Get Moving! Race & Relax event happening June 5, 2010? Well, I’m thrilled to announce that the lovely Fiona Bryan from Bantering Blonde and MomActive will be hopping a plane and joining us for the big day!

Fiona was on a mission to win with a whopping 19 entries and we’re excited that she’s our newest Race & Relax beauty.
We’re also pleased to welcome the Wine Sisterhood to the party! The Wine Sisterhood has signed on as the exclusive Swag Bag sponsor for Get Moving! Race & Relax. Thanks to them all the participants will enjoy a lovely bag that we are filling with fitness and relaxation goodies!

The Wine Sisterhood joins the Cherry Marketing Institute, Walt Disney World Resort and Pampered by Adrienne as sponsors for this event. We appreciate all of their support in making Race & Relax happen and are super excited for a fabulous event. We also appreciate everyone who entered the contest and look forward to hosting more events and opportunities soon!

Winks & Smiles,

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k May 5, 2010 at 11:26 AM  

Congrats to Bantering Blonde!

I wish I had known that you could enter MULTIPLE times, heck I would have tweeted every day to accumulate entries as well, but the "official rules" didn't mention that.


RobinLK May 10, 2010 at 7:02 PM  

Congrats to Bantering Blonde! :)

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